A web application that allows you to be in the loop about everything happening in your neighborhood.
- Marcus Jean-Louis Marcusjnls
Fork this repository or clone it to your local machine running Ubuntu by using the following commands:
git clone (https://github.com/Marcusjnls/biz-mtaani.git)
The program should navigate to the login page on load:
Input Example: On page load
Output Example: Navigate to the login page
The program should navigate to sign up page when Sign Up is clicked on the login form:
Input Example: Click on Sign Up on the login form
Output Example: Redirected to the sign up page
The program should navigate to the login page when Logout is clicked on the navigation bar:
Input Example: Click on Logout on the navigation bar
Output Example: Redirected to the login page
The program should direct the user to their neighborhood page when logged in and already has a neighborhood:
Input Example: Log in
Output Example: Redirected to their neighborhood page
The program should direct the user to the index page with neighborhood listings when logged in and has no neighborhood:
Input Example: Log in
Output Example: Redirect the user to the index page with neighborhood listings
The program should navigate to the profile page when the My Profile is clicked on the navigation bar:
Input Example: Click on My Profile on the navigation bar
Output Example: Redirected to the profile page
The program should navigate to the admin dashboard when one logs in as an admin:
Input Example: Login in as Admin
Output Example: Navigate to the admin dashboard
set up a virtual environment using the following command
python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual
And activate it
source virtual/bin/activate
- install the latest version of pip
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
- Install the requirements in the requirements.txt file using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a .env file in your rootfolder and add the following configurations
- create postgres database
CREATE DATABASE <your-database-name>
- create a migration using the following command
python3.6 manage.py makemigrations
and migrate
python3.6 manage.py migrate
- create an admin account
python 3.6 manage.py createsuperuser
and fill-in your credentials
- run the application using
python3.6 manage.py runserver
- navigate to the admin panel by typing
Run the following commands:
python3.6 manage.py tests
View the following document in order to deploy to a live system
- Django
- Bootstrap
- MDBootstrap
- Html
- Python
- Materialize
- Phone: +254722894999
- Email: marcusjnls@gmail.com
- Github Link: Marcusjnls
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details