
Barter by Flutterwave is a lifestyle payment solution used by over 500,000 people to send money to and from Africa for free, receive money from abroad, create virtual cards for online shopping, pay bills and make instant payments online.

We found the web app exciting and decided to make a clone of it. We created four(4) pages in all:

  • The Landing Page
  • The Register page
  • The Login Page and
  • The Student Ambassador Page.

You can read about our experience here

📄 Table of contents

📷 Screenshots

Landing Page

Landing Page(Dark Mode)

Register Page

Login Page

Student Ambassador Page

📶 Technologies

  • HTML for markup.
  • CSS for styling.
  • Javascript for adding functionalities and making it interactive.
  • Netlify for hosting the project.

🆒 Live-Solution

  • Here is the Link to the original site.
  • Here is the Link to the live solution of the clone.

✉️ Contact

🖊️ Contributors