
c++, asio, Rcon protocol for UNIX and windows

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


I coded this simple Source RCON API for c++. It uses boost asio so you can run it on UNIX and windows systems


You can create a Rcon object via this example:

RCONCPP::RconCpp rcon(port, ip, timeout);

The timeout is the time in seconds the code waits on a response before exiting with a failure. (optional, default = 5) Just pass the port and ip.

To establish the Rcon connection, use the connect() function. The function throws a std::runtime_error exception if the connection failed.

catch (std::runtime_error e)
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
  return -1;

The same goes for the authentication procedure. The only difference is the variable that you pass to the function. This time it is the Rcon password.

catch (std::runtime_error e)
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
  return -1;

At this point, the connection is established and authenticated. You can now use the sendAndRecv() function to send commands and receive the answer. If the answer failed after 5 seconds, the function return a string containing "error".

std::string players = rcon.sendAndRecv("listplayers");
std::cout << players << std::endl;

Multiple-packet Responses

Supports multi-packet responses. This process activates automatically

Error while authentication

Some servers receive some sort of "shadow" packet before the authentication. If your authentication is blocking and not terminating, uncomment '#define AUTH_ERROR' in RconCpp.h