
REST URLs (/rest)

Create a new member (Registration)

Path:               /register
Method:             POST
RequestHeader:      content-type:application/json
RequestBody:        {"email":"$email","password":"$password","phoneNumber":"$phoneNumber"}
Response:           Status 200: User is created; Status 400: E-Mail is null; Status 409: E-Mail already registered
Details:            No basic authentification; E-Mail is the key.

Modify a member (myself)

Path:               /members/$email
Method:             PUT
RequestHeader:      content-type:application/json
RequestBody:        {"username":"$username","password":"$password","email":"$email","phoneNumber":"$phoneNumber"}
Response:           Status 200: OK
Details:            Login with E-Mail and Password

Create a new appointment (invite someone to an appointment)

Path:               /appointments
Method:             PUT
RequestHeader:      content-type:application/json
RequestBody:        {"id":$id","title":"$title","location":"$location","description":"$description","startDate":"$startDate","endDate":"$endDate,"attendances":[{"attendantEmail":$attendantEmail,"calendarEventId":"$calendarEventId"},{"attendantEmail":$attendantEmail2,"calendarEventId":"$calendarEventId2"}],"maybeAttendances":[{"attendantEmail":$attendantEmail,"calendarEventId":"$calendarEventId"},{"attendantEmail":$attendantEmail2,"calendarEventId":"$calendarEventId2"}],"user":$user,"maxNumber":$maxNumber}
Example Req.Body:   {"id":"Joggen am Mittag-2012-04-21T12:50:00.000+01:00","title":"Joggen am Mittag","location":"Butendeichsweg 2, Hamburg","description":"Sport am Arbeitsplatz","startDate":"2012-04-21T12:50:00.000+01:00","endDate":"2012-04-21T13:50:00.000+01:00","attendances":[{"attendantEmail":"maren.soetebier@googlemail.com","calendarEventId":"content://com.android.calendar/events/135"}],"maybeAttendances":[],"user":"maren.soetebier@googlemail.com","maxNumber":10}
Response:           Created: appointment is created
Caution:            ID is the key, which consists of title-startDate, e.g. "id":"title-2012-03-21T16.20.00.000+01:00". Date: YYYY-MM-DDTimeHH.MinutesM.SecondsS+LocalTime
Details:            maxNumber: How many people are allowed to add this appointment?
                    user: E-Mail Adress of the user, who created this appointment
                    attendance: E-Mail Adresses of users, who wants to use this appointment
                    maybeAttendance: if maxNumber > size of attendance : the user will fill in maybeAttendance

Show all appointments

Path:               /appointments
Method:             GET
RequestHeader:      -
RequestBody:        -
Response:           [{appointment1},{appointment2}]
Response Status:    200: OK
Example Response:   [{"id":"$id","title":"Joggen am Mittag","location":"location","description":"$description","startDate":"2012-05-21T16.20.00.000+01:00","endDate":"2012-05-21T18.20.00.000+01:00","attendances":[{"user": $user,"email":$email,"eventId":"$eventId"},"maybeAttendances":[{"user": $user,"email":$email,"eventId":"$eventId"},"user":"$user","maxNumber":$maxNumber},{"id":"$id2","title":"Jobbörse","location":"location2","description":"$description2","startDate":"2012-05-21T16.20.00.000+01:00","endDate":"2012-05-21T18.30.00.000+01:00","attendances":[{"user": $user,"email":$email,"eventId":"$eventId"},"maybeAttendances":[{"user": $user,"email":$email,"eventId":"$eventId"},"user":"$user1","maxNumber":$maxNumber1}]
Caution:            for info with attendance and maybeAttendance, see "Create a new appointment".

Show a specific appointment

Path:               /appointments/$id
Method:             GET
RequestHeader:      -
RequestBody:        -

Show all appointments, which I have created

Path:               /members/$email/appointments
Method:             GET
RequestHeader:      -
RequestBody:        -
Details:            $email is the E-Mail Adress of $user in all appointments

Show all appointments, which I belong to (user is in attendance OR maybeAttendance with $user-eventId)

Path:               /members/$email/appointments/attendance
Method:             GET
RequestHeader:      -
RequestBody:        -
Details:            $email is the E-Mail Adress of $user in all appointments
Info:               also /waiting (maybeAttendances) and /confirmed (attendances) implemented

Show a specific appointment, which I have created

 see Show a specific appointment (Android Client will filter the results; nothing to do!)

Add me to an appointment (attendance)

Path:               /appointments/$appointmentsId/attendance
Method:             PUT
RequestHeader:      content-type:application/json
RequestBody:        {"id":$id","title":"title","location":"location","description":"$description","startDate":"$startDate","endDate":"$endDate,"attendance":["$attendance1","$attendance2"],"maybeAttendance":["$maybeAttendance1","$maybeAttendance2"],"user":$user,"maxNumber":$maxNumber}
Response:           "confirmed" or "waiting"
Details:            see Create a new appointment

Delete me from an appointment, where I belong to

Path:               /appointments/$appointmentsId/attendance
Method:             DELETE
RequestHeader:      content-type:application/json
Response:           E-Mail from maybeAttendances or null
Details:            see Create a new appointment

Delete an appointment

Path:               /appointments/$id
Method:             DELETE
RequestHeader:      -
RequestBody:        -
Response:           204 if deleted
Implemented:        NO

Not necassary

Delete my user profile. Edit an appointment. Groups.

What is it?

This is your project! It's a sample, deployable Maven 3 project to help you get your foot in the door developing with Java EE 6 on JBoss AS 7 or EAP 6. This project is setup to allow you to create a compliant Java EE 6 application using JSF 2.0, CDI 1.0, EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 and Bean Validation 1.0. It includes a persistence unit and some sample persistence and transaction code to help you get your feet wet with database access in enterprise Java.

System requirements

All you need to build this project is Java 6.0 (Java SDK 1.6) or better, Maven 3.0 or better.

The application this project produces is designed to be run on a JBoss AS 7 or EAP 6. The following instructions target JBoss AS 7, but they also apply to JBoss EAP 6.

With the prerequisites out of the way, you're ready to build and deploy.

Deploying the application

First you need to start JBoss AS 7 (or EAP 6). To do this, run


or if you are using windows


To deploy the application, you first need to produce the archive to deploy using the following Maven goal:

mvn package

You can now deploy the artifact to JBoss AS by executing the following command:

mvn jboss-as:deploy

This will deploy target/woodle.backend.war.

The application will be running at the following URL http://localhost:8080/woodle.backend/.

To undeploy from JBoss AS, run this command:

mvn jboss-as:undeploy

You can also start JBoss AS 7 and deploy the project using Eclipse. See the JBoss AS 7 Getting Started Guide for Developers for more information.

Running the Arquillian tests

By default, tests are configured to be skipped. The reason is that the sample test is an Arquillian test, which requires the use of a container. You can activate this test by selecting one of the container configuration provided for JBoss AS 7 (remote).

To run the test in JBoss AS 7, first start a JBoss AS 7 instance. Then, run the test goal with the following profile activated:

mvn clean test -Parq-jbossas-remote

Importing the project into an IDE

If you created the project using the Maven archetype wizard in your IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA), then there is nothing to do. You should already have an IDE project.

Detailed instructions for using Eclipse with JBoss AS 7 are provided in the JBoss AS 7 Getting Started Guide for Developers.

If you created the project from the commandline using archetype:generate, then you need to import the project into your IDE. If you are using NetBeans 6.8 or IntelliJ IDEA 9, then all you have to do is open the project as an existing project. Both of these IDEs recognize Maven projects natively.

Downloading the sources and Javadocs

If you want to be able to debug into the source code or look at the Javadocs of any library in the project, you can run either of the following two commands to pull them into your local repository. The IDE should then detect them.

mvn dependency:sources
mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc