
This is the repo for the backend of the Stock Ticker App Milestone Project for TDI (The Data Incubator). The repo for the frontend is here. The actual deployed app is here.


To run, do

heroku local

To run the server with gunicorn manually, do

# export all .env vars
gunicorn server.main:app

To run with flask manually, do

# Python module and var for the flask `app` var
export FLASK_APP=server.main:app
export FLASK_ENV=development
pip3 install flask-dotenv==0.1.2
flask run


To run tests

pip3 install pytest-dotenv

Build & Deploy

To build & deploy

# update requirements.txt if you haven't done so already
pipreqs --force
git diff
# check changes into git if there are any
git push heroku master