
A minimal template for reason react project with webpack configuration

Primary LanguageReason

Reason minimal template

Run Project

npm install
npm start
# in another tab
npm run server

View the app in the browser at http://localhost:8000. Running in this environment provides hot reloading and support for routing; just edit and save the file and the browser will automatically refresh.

To use a port other than 8000 set the PORT environment variable (PORT=8080 npm run server).

Build for Production

npm run clean
npm run build
npm run webpack:production

This will replace the development artifact build/Index.js for an optimized version as well as copy src/index.html into build/. You can then deploy the contents of the build directory (index.html and Index.js).

To enable dead code elimination, change bsconfig.json's package-specs module from "commonjs" to "es6". Then re-run the above 2 commands. This will allow Webpack to remove unused code.