Run everything

bash ./

Run restore of prod db

docker exec -it mongodbserver_prod bash
mongorestore --port 27018 --db words-app  --collection words --verbose ./dump/words.bson

Mongodb dump

sudo docker exec mongodbserver_prod sh -c 'mongodump --db words-app --port 27018' > ./words-app-prod.dump

Copy to local machine over ssh

scp username@ip-address:/home/.../words-app-prod.dump /path/on/local/machine

View collections

sudo docker exec mongodbserver_prod sh -c 'mongo words-app --port 27018 --eval "db.getCollectionNames()"'

Export collection as json

sudo docker exec mongodbserver_prod sh -c 'mongoexport --db words-app --port 27018 -c words' > words.json