(1)i Arithematic Operators symbols are: +, -, *, / , --, ++

(ii) Assignment Operators symbols are: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

(iii) Comparison Operator symbols are: <, >, <=, >=, !=,!==, ==, ===

(iv) Logical Operator symbols are: &&, ||, !,

(v) Bitwise Operator symbols are: |, ^, ~, <<, >>, >>>

(2) For each JavaScript Operator, write 2 examples. a. Arithmetic Operators; Example: let a = 24; let b = 2; • console.log(a+b); • console.log(a/b);

b. Assignment Operators; Example: let x = 7; x + 2 will be x+=2

        let x = 5;
        let y =  2;
        x * y will be x*=y

c. Comparison Operators; Example: let numberOfMen = 1700; let numberOfBoys = ‘1700’; console.log(numberOfMen !== numberOfBoys); console.log(numberofMen >= numberOfBoys);

d. Logical Operators; Example: let veryAthletic = true; let verySkillful = true; let admitToTeam = veryAthletic && verySkillful; console.log (‘Admitted to the Team’);

        let food = true;
        let goodFood = true;
        let readyToEat = goodFood || food;
        console.log (‘Fit to get married’);

e. Bitwise Operators; Example: let x = 6; let y = 1;

        console.log(a &  b);
        result  = 0

        console.log(a | b);
        result = 5

(4) the result when the following program is executed? for (let i = 1; i < 20; i += 7){ console.log(i); } is : 1 , 8 , 15