
Take home assignment to create a phone directory

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LFL Employee Directory code challenge

For this assignment you will be building an online employee directory, using only vanilla JS (no jQuery).

  1. Please fork this repository before starting to work on it
  2. Commit changes as if you are working on a team (including realistic commit messages)
  3. When you are done, make to push your changes and send a link to your repo back to your recruiter

You should spend no more than 4-6h on this and please make sure to document anything you'd like us to know in the Dev Notes section of this README

Feel free to reach out to with any questions or for clarification.


  • No dependencies needed
  • Task runners are okay
  • SASS/SCSS is okay, your choice
  • dom.js contains some helper functions


Sidebar / main content layout is honored per screenshots

A View option that displays all employees & their info


An Add option that allows users to input a name, an office number, and a phone number


A Verify option that allows users to input a name and returns a success/error state to the UI


An Update option that allows the user to input name, office number, and phone number -- updating only the office number and phone number upon a name match

A Delete option that deletes the employee with the matching name


  • Style all/any of the aforementioned interactions however you see fit, this is an opportunity to show off your creativity!
  • MVC JS architecture

Dev notes


MVC Arquitecture

**app.js** with the App class we can create object components and which will be handled through the MVC Architecture.
**router.js** is looking at window.location hash waithing for a change or a Dom reload to check route and if it matches with component execute the view function of the component


Search Bar : When using search input, the employees will be filtered to match it.
Employee Card : Click for a closer look and more options.
Add Employee : You can add Employees .
Delete Employee : You can delete Employees .
Edit Employee : You can edit Employees .\

Search case : if editing an employee resulting from a search the name will not be modificable.

#Project was started out of repo at first to grasp the workflow of creating an MVC architecture