main main


This website is designed to operate as the central database and reference point for the Drones for Marine Science and Agriculture research team at Cal Poly. It allows the team to release information about current developments and discoveries by the team for public viewing. It also gives team members an easier way to access files and resources for training models that can be used to detect sharks and cows more accurately. There is already a basic landing page for the team, but this adds greater functionality and will allow the team to have a dynamic resource that can change as needed for future use.

To find our original UI prototpe, click here.

To access our wiki, click here.

How to Run

  • Install dependencies for server (backend)

    cd expressjs-backend
    npm install
  • Install dependencies for client (frontend)

    cd react-frontend
    npm install
  • Database Access

    If running locally, create a .env file in your main expressjs-backend directory and add the following:


    This information can be found on the mongoDB website when accepting the access invite via email

  • Start the frontend

    cd react-frontend
    npm start
  • Start the backend

    cd expressjs-backend
    npm start
  • The website should now be running

  • Run linter

cd react-frontend
npm run lint
  • Run prettier text formatter
cd react-frontend
npm run format

Folder Structure

Name Description
expressjs-backend Source code for server (Express)
---/backend.js Entry point to server application
react-frontend Source code for client (React)
---/index.js Entry point to client
---/.eslintrc.json Config settings for ESLint code style checking
---/.prettierrc Config settings for Prettier formatter
---/public Contains static html pages
------/resources Images/static page data

NPM Scripts


Npm Script Description
start Runs node on index.js which is the app entry point
lint Lint frontend JS files
format Format frontend JS files


Npm Script Description
start Runs node on backend.js which is the backend entry point