
NYCDA learning individual project; an admin panel for a fictitious school whereby the administrator can create users and complete common administrative tasks

Primary LanguageRuby

Admin Panel

Admin panel for Marvel school

The fifth individual project during Software Engineering Intensive course at New York Code and Design Academy.

It is a fullstack simple admin panel for a fictitious school whereby the administrator can create users and complete common administrative tasks.

The key features of this project are:

  • Built with Ruby on Rails;
  • Activerecord is used to make all database transactions;
  • Bootstrap is used for page styling (card, tabs, floating buttons);
  • User authentification implemented with devise gem;

Deployed to Heroku: https://marvel-admin-panel.herokuapp.com/

Sample User: email: m@sha.com password: 123456

  1. rails generate controller NAMEs index new create update edit destroy show
  2. // rails.applicarion.routs - resources : names
  3. rails g model Name name
  4. rals db:migrate
  5. // relationsip in models
  6. // methods in controllers
  7. // how methods looks in views