Story Affirmations

Sometimes you need a little reminder that, "You're that bitch." Given your name and pronouns, this project will give you a whole assortment of dramatic paragraphs with you as the protagonist.

eg. If you're Maria, and you use she/her pronouns, we might take the classic excerpt from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince where Harry and Ginny first kiss, and generate the passage:

'We won! Four hundred and fifty to a hundred and forty! We won!' Maria looked around; there was Ginny running towards her; she had a hard, blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around her.

Honestly, I thought that this was just gonna be a find/replace when I started, but now I'm really falling down a rabbit hole here. Pronouns are complicated, and parsing seems fun.


After cloning the repo, run the bootstrap script to install basic python and js dependencies.


Up and running

To run both the API and UI in hot-reload mode:

# must be run from the project root...

This will start parcel in watch mode and flask server in development mode.

To generate docs, point pycco at the api folder, and then append the typography, and custom slidesheet. I use the hand alias: alias p="pycco src/api/*.py ; echo '<link href=\",400|PT+Mono|Bitter|Codystar|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700|VT323\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"story_docs.css\">' | tee -a docs/story_generator.html docs/hello.html docs/text_parser.html"