Professor Planet

Site link

About / Synopsis

  • Presenation Link

  • Mad Scientist with one mission, to provide an entertaining and educational resource for people interested in our solar system & space….and to capture aliens!

  • How the game works:

    • On page entry you can skip or play a short game to release the captured the alien
    • On entry of animate option, a modal pops up with instructions how to play game and sub links are presented within planets
  • Processor planet includes 4 other feautres

    • Nasa image of the day - pulls the image of the day form Nasa API
    • Solar system - pulls from Panet API and populates Planet info on back of card when hovered
    • Astronomical Events Calendar - uses an iframe calendor (which we have issues with adjusting iframe responsiveness)
    • Memory Card Planet Match Game - a memory card game that tracks your flips and matches of planets
  • Project status: working/prototype

Developed using

* Java Script
* jquary
* Materilize
* Plugins for animations
* Nasa API -
* Planet API -
* Astronomical Calendar -

GIF shot of "Planet Professor" features

Font Link

Sounds and Song Clips