
This is a python package for mathematical operations of gaussian distributions. From this project I learned how to code and install basic python packages. I got to use magic methods, import statements, classes and inheritance in more depth.

Primary LanguagePython

Distributions python package

A Python module is just a Python file containing code. A package is a collection of Python modules. The distribution and Gaussian code are refactored into individual modules and the to a python package. I used pip to install a Python package from a local folder on my computer.

The package contains :

  • setup.py file, which is required in order to use pip install.
  • A subfolder called distributions, which is the name of the Python package. Inside the distributions folder, there are:
  • The Gaussiandistribution.py file (provided).
  • The Generaldistribution.py file (provided).
  • The init.py file.

After downloading the package and unzipping it, use your terminal window to navigate into the python_package folder.

Enter the following:

cd 3a_python_package

pip install

If everything is set up correctly, pip installs the distributions package into the workspace. You can then start the Python interpreter from the terminal by entering:


Then, within the Python interpreter, you can use the distributions package by entering the following:

from distributions import Gaussian

gaussian_one = Gaussian(25, 2)


gaussian_one + gaussian_one

In other words, you can import and use the Gaussian class because the distributions package is now officially installed as part of your Python installation.