
InForMir Code Documentation


Welcome to the documentation for InForMir codes. This document will guide you through the steps necessary to set up and execute the codes successfully.


Before running the codes, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Python
  2. Microsoft Excel Installation:
  3. Clone the repository from https://github.com/MariaSmrity/MiRNA-for-Cancer.git to your local machine.
  4. Navigate to the project directory.
  5. Install the required dependencies using the following command: [Your package manager] install [dependencies]

Running the Codes: Follow these steps to execute the codes:

  1. Open your terminal/command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the project directory.

  3. Have “mir-gene-interaction.csv” in the drive. a. Run “seperate_chromosome__from_mainFile.py” // where main file is mir-gene-interaction.csv, output file is “Target.csv” b. Run “CoopOrCom.py” // it will create Final.CSV c. Run “SeperateFileForCancerType.py” // it will separate Final.csv into cancertype.csv files d.Run “Mir1_2 Scores Compare.py” // it will plot and save mir1 and mir2 scores.

  4. Have “InFormiR_TCGA-data-download-link 1.csv” in your drive. a. Run “download_files.py” //It will download files for sample patients b. Run “unzip files.py” to unzip downloaded files to the desired location c.Run “Create Correlation file.py” //generate file with desired format from downloaded files d. Run “calculate_correlation.py” // Update file with correlation values e. Finally Run “plot_correlation.py” // plot and save files in folder