
A python package for batch simulations of biological models

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


1. What is SBML-batch?

SBML-batch is a Python package to analyze and to simulate a set of Chemical Reaction Networks (CRNs). More specifically, this has 4 main functionalities:

  1. It recognizes biological models with well-defined proprieties: models with rules or events, qualitative models, and models whose simulation will produce incorrect results;

  2. It studies one or more biological models with Feinberg's Theorems: Deficiency Zero Theorem and Deficiency One Theorem. These theorems give us some information about dynamic proprieties of networks with no simulations;

  3. It simulates one or more models using better management of simulation time trying to discover the behavior of the systems;

  4. It creates Petri nets of one or more models studying their structure.

2. How to install SBML-batch

To install SBML-batch you need the following Python's libraries:

  • numpy
  • pathlib (not included in Python 3.3 or older)
  • libSBML with a version 5.18.0 or higher
  • libRoadRunner with a version 1.5.4 or higher

After installing the previous libraries, install SBML-batch: pip install SBML-batch.zip

3. How to use SBML-batch

The package has 6 Python's modules, each one with specific functionality:

  • Main

    To use one or all the functionalities previously described;

  • BaseFunction

    To manage files and directories;

  • SelectFiles

    To select models from others with rules or events, qualitative models, and models whose simulation will produce incorrect results;

  • Deficiency Calculation

    To calculate the deficiency of a CRN and to study its proprieties of reversibility and weakly reversibility;

  • Simulation

    To simulate a set of models and to study kinetic Laws in a model to understand if the model is studied with law of mass action;

  • PetriNets

    To create Petri nets of one or more models.

3.a. Main

This is the main module and allows you to use all the main functionality just calling a method. In this module there are 2 functions:

  1. main(interval=-1, maxInterval=20, dirToExamine="models", func=0) It takes 4 optional arguments. interval and maxInterval are used in case of simulations and determine number of initial configuration that will be simulated. interval represents the percentage that will be used to change the initial quantities of species until a maximum percentage represented from maxInterval. dirToExamine is the path of the directory where the program will search models to analyze. func is the functionality that the user wants to execute. It can take an integer value between 0 and 4 (included):
  • 0 - you execute all the main functionalities;
  • 1 - you select models from the others with rules or events, qualitative models, and models whose simulation will produce incorrect results;
  • 2 - you study models with Feinberg's Theorems;
  • 3 - you simulate models;
  • 4 - you create Petri nets that correspond to models. By default the arguments take the values in the signature, so calling main() is equivalent to call main(-1, 20, "models", 0)
  1. analysisTheorems(rr, dirToExamine, dirNotAnalyze, dirToSimulation, dirTheorems) This function studies models with Feinberg's theorems. It takes 5 arguments:
  • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner;
  • dirToExamine is the directory with models to analyze;
  • dirNotAnalyze is the directory with models to not study;
  • dirToSimulation is the directory with models that can't be analyzed with Feinberg's theorems but need to be simulated;
  • dirTheorems is the directory with models studied with Feinberg's theorems.

An example of use of this module is the use of Feinberg's theorems:

from SBML_batch import Main Main.main(func=2)

3.b. BaseFunction

This module has 4 functions:

  1. createDirectoryExit(path)

    To create the directory path and to stop the program if a failure occurs;

  2. createDirectory(path)

    It creates the directory path and returns 1 if a failure occurs and 0 otherwise. It doesn't stop the program;

  3. removeFile(path)

    It deletes the file path and returns 1 if a failure occurs and 0 otherwise;

  4. numericalInput(outputString, allowValues)

    This method asks the user to insert an integer number. This shows the user the string in the variable outputString. If the number to insert can take a value in a set of values, you can indicate this set in allowValues using a list. If user inserts a not valid number, the program will be stopped, otherwise, this method returns the number inserted.

3.c. SelectFiles

This module has 2 functions:

  1. select(rr, dirToExamine, dirNotAnalyze, others) This is used to select models from the others with rules or events, qualitative models and models whose simulation will produce incorrect results. It studies all models in the directory dirToExamine and it moves models with one of the proprieties previously nominated in the directory dirNotAnalyze. If in the directory there are files that are not models because they aren't XML files, these will be moved in the directory others. rr is a reference to libRoadRunner.

  2. selectOneModel(rr, path, file) This method doesn't move models but studies one model and returns a numerical code that says if the model has one of the previous proprieties. It takes 3 arguments:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner;
    • path is the path where the model is;
    • file is the name of the file to study.

    This method returns:

    • 0 if the model doesn't have these proprieties;
    • -1 if there is an error during load of the file so this can't be simulated or studied anymore;
    • 1 if the model has one of the proprieties;
    • 2 if file it's not an XML file.

3.d. Deficiency Calculation

This module is used to study a model with Feinberg's Theorems. To do this, it offers a method: deficiency_calculation(rr). This method takes one argument, rr, that is a reference to libRoadRunner with loaded the model to analyze. It returns a list with 2 integer numbers. The first it's the deficiency of the Chemical Reaction Network, the second it's a number that can be 0 or 1: 1 if the network is not reversible and not weakly reversible, 0 otherwise.

An example of use of this method is the following, where you import the module, create the reference to libRoadRunner, load the file with the model that you want to study, and, in the end, you call the method.

from SBML_batch import Deficiency_Calculation import roadrunner rr=roadrunner.RoadRunner() rr.load("models\\BIOMD0000000006.xml") results=Deficiency_Calculation.deficiency_calculation(rr)

3.e. Simulation

This module has 6 methods:

  1. toSimulate(rr) It takes one only argument, rr, a reference to library libRoadRunner with loaded a model. This method tries to discover if the model is studied with law of mass action analyzing the kinetic law of the reactions of the biological system. This method returns:

    • 0 if the model is studied with law of mass action;

    • 1 if the model is not studied with law of mass action.

  2. simulationWithSteadyState(rr, percent, dirResults, dirToExamine, file, points=_points) To simulate a Chemical Reaction Network that we know it reaches steady state. It takes 5 arguments plus an optional one:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner;
    • percent is an array with the percentages that will be used to change the initial quantities of species;
    • dirResults is the directory where the results will be saved;
    • dirToExamine is the directory with models to study;
    • file is the name of the file where the model is saved;
    • points is the number of points to generate during a simulation.
  3. simulationSteps(rr, path, nameFile, points, values=[]) It simulates a model with steady state using a specific configuration. It takes 4 arguments plus one optional argument:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner;
    • path is the path where results of simulations will be saved;
    • nameFile is the name of the file where the model is saved;
    • points is the number of points to generate during a simulation;
    • values is an array with values of species at steady state.
  4. simulateWithTime(rr, nameDir, simulationTime, toPath, percent, points) To study a Chemical Reaction Network using a fixed time for simulations. It takes 6 arguments:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner with a file already loaded;
    • nameDir is the name of directory where results will be saved;
    • simulationTime is the time that will be used for simulations;
    • toPath is the path where create the directory nameDir;
    • percent is an array with the percentages that will be used to change the initial quantities of species;
    • points is the number of points to generate during a simulation.
  5. simulateAllModels(rr, dirToSimulation, toPath, dirReject, simulationTime, time, percent, points=_points) This method simulates all models in a specific directory and, during simulations, tries to recognize the behaviors of models. It takes 7 argument plus one optional argument:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner with a file already loaded;
    • dirToSimulation is the directory where models we want to study are;
    • toPath is the path of the directory where results of simulations will be saved;
    • dirReject is the directory where models to not analyze will be moved;
    • simulationTime is the maximum time of simulation to study behaviors of models;
    • time is the minimum time of simulation to study behaviors of models;
    • percent is an array with the percentages that will be used to change the initial quantities of species;
    • points is the number of points to generate during a simulation.
  6. simulateModel(rr, path, file, toPath, dirReject, simulationTime, time, percent, points=_points) This method takes one argument more than the previous one: file. Here, path is like dirToSimulation of the previous method and file is the name of file to study and to simulate.

An example of use of the method toSimulate is the following:

from SBML_batch import Simulation import roadrunner rr=roadrunner.RoadRunner() rr.load("models\\BIOMD0000000006.xml") if Simulation.toSimulate(rr)==1: print("Model is not studied with law of mass action")

An example of use of the method simulateAllModels is the following:

from SBML_batch import Simulation import roadrunner rr=roadrunner.RoadRunner() Simulation.simulateAllModels(rr, "models", "results", "notAnalyze", 3000, 0, [5, 10])

3.f. PetriNets

Using this module you can study the role of a modifier in a reaction and create the Petri nets of one or more models.

  1. functionality(rr, model, specie, reaction, nTest, valueIncrease) This method takes 6 arguments:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner with a model loaded;
    • model is an object of type Model of the library libSBML;
    • specie is the number of modifiers in the reaction that you want to study;
    • reaction is the number of reactions in the model;
    • nTest is the number of tests that you want to execute to study the role of the modifiers;
    • valueIncrease is the value that will be used to increment quantities of species to study the role of modifier.

    This method returns:

    • 0 if the specie acts like an inhibitor;
    • 1 if it acts like a promoter;
    • -1 if it fails to establish the role;
    • -2 if the species it's not in the law of the studied reaction.
  2. createPetriNets(rr, path, pathResult, nTest, valueIncrease) This method creates Petri nets of a set of models. It takes 5 arguments:

    • rr is a reference to libRoadRunner;
    • path is the directory with the set of models;
    • pathResult is the directory where Petri nets will be saved;
  • nTest and valueIncrease, because this method calls the method functionality.
  1. createOnePetriNet(rr, path, file, pathResult, nTest, valueIncrease) This method creates Petri net of one model. It takes one more argument than the previous one: file, that represents file of which will be created the Petri net.

An example of use of the method createPetriNets is the following:

from SBML_batch import PetriNets import roadrunner rr=roadrunner.RoadRunner() PetriNets.createPetriNets(rr, 'Simulate_Models', 'PetriNets', 10, 5)

4. License

This package is licensed under Apache License 2.0. Please see file LICENSE.txt for more information about it.