Aurora Borealis - Spacestagram

Front End Developer Intern Challenge from Shopify.


Create an app where users can see and like images from NASA.

App Requirements

  • Fetch and display data from one of NASA's APIs
  • Display descriptive data for each image
  • Users should be able to like/unlike an image

Technical Requirements

  • Search results should come from NASA’s free APIs, for which you’ll need a free API key from NASA
  • Each image result should list at least a title, date of capture (ideally in earth_date) and a button to “like” that image
  • Each image can be “liked”, and a user should be able to undo their “like”
  • The HTML that ends up being served client-side should be accessible and semantic

Optional features

  • Save likes if the user leaves or reloads the page
  • Animate the “like” action
  • Add a loading state while we wait for NASA’s API to return data
  • Create shareable links for each image
  • Add a date-picker to be able to browse photos starting from a specific date

This challenge was created using create-react-app from React.