Hello World! I'm Mariam. I code for fun, until I can't find that one hidden bug in a 3324-line code 🤬
Alexandria University | Faculty of Engineering | CCEAlexandria, Egypt
Pinned Repositories
Development of an audio equalizer using MATLAB. One common Audio equalizer is the winamp program. The equalizer function is to vary the gain of each specific band as the user prefers. [ i.e., if the user likes base, he will increase the gain of low frequencies].
A simple quiz app using React.js. This solo project is the final project for Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba.
This is a simple simulation for an online women wear store using React.js. It was a part of the final project for ITI summer internship for 2022.
Background Generator is a simple React.js web app that generates the css rule for backgrounds whether it was plain colors or a gradient.
A static landing page for an imaginary beauty blog using Bondi design scheme. The page is responsive on all devices.
A web-based application that helps users to manage their household budgets effectively where it provides users with the ability to track their expenses, set budgets, and monitor their spending habits.
A Matlab application that predicts your chances to win a certain lottery game based on the rules of the game you enter. It was an application for the usage of discrete random variables in our real life. Final project for probability and statistics course.
A simple implementation for a text-file based phonebook system using C programming language. The application loads a text-file that has previously-stored-records of a phonebook and applies on it any of the following operations (search, add, delete, sort, modify a contact, save changes).
A simulation for the bandwidth-power tradeoff plot using Shannon's Channel Capacity Theorem. The Simulation is applied for the following 3 types of modulation: M'ary PSK, M'ary QAM and M'ary FSK.
A dynamic interactive webgame using React.js. The project is a part of Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba. I've built the code on my own from scratch before watching the videos, then used the videos as a reference for rating my work. Also, I've added extra features,
MariamAtef226's Repositories
Development of an audio equalizer using MATLAB. One common Audio equalizer is the winamp program. The equalizer function is to vary the gain of each specific band as the user prefers. [ i.e., if the user likes base, he will increase the gain of low frequencies].
A simple quiz app using React.js. This solo project is the final project for Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba.
This is a simple simulation for an online women wear store using React.js. It was a part of the final project for ITI summer internship for 2022.
Background Generator is a simple React.js web app that generates the css rule for backgrounds whether it was plain colors or a gradient.
A static landing page for an imaginary beauty blog using Bondi design scheme. The page is responsive on all devices.
A web-based application that helps users to manage their household budgets effectively where it provides users with the ability to track their expenses, set budgets, and monitor their spending habits.
A dynamic interactive webgame using React.js. The project is a part of Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba. I've built the code on my own from scratch before watching the videos, then used the videos as a reference for rating my work. Also, I've added extra features,
A clone of the Btinine website homepage built using HTML, CSS, Btoostrap5, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Serve side app for Bloggy (spring boot)
A static business portfolio for my small business, BookArt Shop. The website includes information about the owner and the business itself, in addition to displaying the products sold. Some pages are still under construction.
Temperature Converter is a simple React.js app that takes user input for a specific temperature in a specific measuring unit, and converts it to other units automatically . Three measuring units are included: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
A simple Node.js-based server-side app that supports basic CRUD of major library entities, such as books and borrowers. The system is built using a RESTful API architecture and utilizes a relational database system for data storage.
if (mentallyDrained) keep_fighting() else keepFightingButInCamelCase()
This is a simple Markdown previewer app built using React.js and marked.js. On typing any markdown code in the textarea, it's immediately displayed in the preview box, that's been parsed using marked.js library.
A dynamic interactive webpage for a memes generator. The project is a part of Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba. The aim of the project is getting familiar with react's state, using them in practice, know more about its tricks, and produce user interactive pages using react. The page is responsive.
A dynamic interactive notes web app that supports markdown language. The project is a part of Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba. The base code of the app was provided for us to build more features on it. The aim of the project is practicing what we've learned throughout the 3 sections of the course and learning about & using firebase.
A template for embedded payment integration of MyFatoorah using proxy server side app
This is a simple Random Quotes Generator app built using React.js. The app displays a random quote each time the 'New Quote' button is clicked. It also provides a feature to share the displayed quote on Twitter. The app utilizes only React and ReactDOM libraries, with no additional dependencies.
This is a simple basic calculator using React.js. It supports formula based calculations. The app is responsive on all devices.
A static webpage that includes a digital card for me. The project is a part of Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba. The aim of the project is getting familiar with react, different methods of setup, deployment and refreshing our web development basic skills.
This is a simple drum machine using React.js. It works using mouse clicks and keyboard keys (Q, W, E, A, S, D, Z, X, and C). The app is responsive on all devices.
A general signal generator on matlab that displays results in time domain and asks user if they'd like to further processing on the signal (EX: time shift)
A static webpage that includes a dummy travel journal. The project is a part of Bob Ziroll's 'Learn React' course on Scrimba. The aim of the project is getting familiar with react's props, using them in practice, know more about its tricks, and rendering arrays of data. The page is responsive.
URLs Scrapper is a simple tool that prompts the user for a URL and a specific depth, and it returns all the links within that page and the subpages until the specified depth, in an asynchronous matter to speed up the process.
A simple website for viewing vans available for rental using react and react router.
This client side app is part of VdoCipher Video Storage integration for Spring Boot/React Web Apps using Dropzone.js.
This server side app is part of VdoCipher Video Storage integration for Spring Boot/React Web Apps using Dropzone.js.