
Deploying Voting app on Kubernetes


  • A front-end web app in Python which lets you vote between two options.
  • A Redis which collects new votes.
  • A .NET worker which consumes votes and stores them in.
  • A Postgres database backed by a Docker volume.
  • A Node.js web app which shows the results of the voting in real time.


1- Create new namespace

  • kubectl apply -f app-namespace.yml

2- Create Secret for Postgres Credentials

  • kubectl apply -f postgres-secret.yml

3- Create Voting App Deployment and Service

  • NodePort service which uses port 30004
  • kubectl apply -f votingapp-deploy.yml votingapp-service.yml
  • Container image kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote:v1

4- Create Redis Deployment and Service

  • ClusterIP service which uses port 6379
  • kubectl apply -f redis-deploy.yml redis-service.yml
  • Container image redis

5- Create Postgres Deployment and Service

  • ClusterIP service which uses port 5432
  • kubectl apply -f postgres-deploy.yml postgres-service.yml
  • Container image postgres

6- Create Worker App Deployment

  • kubectl apply -f workerapp-deploy.yml
  • Container image kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker:v1

7- Create Result App Deployment and Service

  • NodePort service which uses port 30005
  • kubectl apply -f resultapp-deploy.yml resultapp-service.yml
  • Container image kodekloud/examplevotingapp_result:v1


Run kubectl get pods,svc -n votingapp to see all created pods and services in votingapp namespace

