
Bag-It bag store sells diverse bags to both males and females in Ghana. They stock a rich collection from various well-known brands all over the world. The goal of the Bag-It website is to make handbags, luggage, backpacks, purses and other types of bags from various these brands, more accessible to customers in Ghana. Currently, the e-commerce bag store is only available in Ghana.

Technologies Used Implementation For the project, we used various programming languages, including;

  • HTML – HTML is the abbreviated form of Hypertext Markup Language. It is a programming language used in the creation of documents that are displayed in web browsers. HTML is one of the languages the team used in developing the front-end of the platform. On the Bag-it website, all pages which you see written content was made using HTML. For instance, the navigation bar was done using HTML. I did regex in HTML, using the pattern attribute.
  • CSS – CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. CSS is the programming language utilized in designing HTML documents. CSS enables the use of fonts, colours and layouts on web pages. It was also used in developing the front-end. Both inline and external CSS was utilized for this project. It was used in designing the login and registration pages, the shop page and all the pages with exceptional designs. How the content of the pages is styled was done using CSS. The color, the font type, the hover of the navigation bar was styled using CSS.
  • JavaScript – JavaScript handles the interactivity of the web pages. It is a front-end programming language. Alerts, button responses and form validation were made possible through JavaScript. I used JavaScript for the alerts, for instance, when you update quantity in cart, it will echo, “Cart Quantity updated”.
  • PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor is the full meaning of PHP. It is a server-side programming language. It is utilized in backend development. PHP is responsible for interaction with the database; mainly inputting and retrieving data. The user being able to login, add to cart, etc. was done using PHP. PHP allows users to interact with the front-end while receiving information from the database. 14
  • SQL – SQL is the abbreviated form of Structured Query Language. SQL was utilized in managing data in the relational database management system. Creating and populating the database was done with SQL. In creating the database, 9 tables were needed to store all the information that will be on the project.


  • Bootstrap – Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework. It contains CSS, JavaScript and HTML based templates for responsive web development. Bootstrap helped us to get access to components that helped in creating elements like the navbar, the carousel, login and registration cards and most of the admin work, products display page, etc.


  • PhpMyAdmin – It is an open-source administration tool used for MySQL. It was used to easily create the database for the project.
  • GitHub – GitHub is an open-source code hosting platform, which I used to store all my codes. This was for in case something happened to my laptop.
  • Sublime Text – It is also an integrated development environment that was used to edit the codes for the project. Application Programming Interface (API)
  • PayPal API – Paypal is an online payment system. Its API allows for the system to be integrated into various web applications to handle payments. The PayPal JavaScript SDK was used to integrate payment to allow users to make the payment on products a user wants to purchase. We used a sandbox account to make and receive payments, thus money sent or received aren’t real.
  • Paystack API – Paystack is another online payment system. Its API also allows the Bag-It ecommerce website to accept payment of its bags. We used the tests APIs; thus, all payments aren’t live.