The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022 (Udemy Course)
Topics covered so far:
*Strings (string methods) and conditional statements
*Object Literals
*'This' keyword
*Filter, Reduce, MAP methods
*Destructuring, Spread and Default params
*Manipulating DOM (querySelector, Attributes, classList, append, remove)
*DOM Events (inline events, onclick propery, addEventListener)
*Input, Forms, and Change Events
*Async Javascript: Callbacks, Promises, Async and Await keywords
*AJAX and APIs (JSON, Postman, HTTP verbs, XHRs-XMLHttpRequest, Fetch, and Axios)
*OOP Basics (Prototypes, factory functions, constructors, classes-Extends and Super keywords)
-BASH (basic terminal commands and concepts)
-NPM (Node Package Manager)
-Express.js: request and response objects, routing, path parameters and Nodemon
-Dynamic HTML with templating using Embedded Javascript