Here you can find all my projects that I made in the past years on my Master Degree.
BattleShip Game developed on Processing, using JAVA Language. GRADE: 19/20
Prime Numbers Generator on Quartus, using VHDL Language with @danielasplopes. GRADE: 14/20
Website about the history of Processors and it's evolution, using HTML, JavaScript, CSS and LaTeX Languages with @rafaelmaio. GRADE: 15/20
Building language SQUEAK, new language to communicate with robots, using ANTLR4 and JAVA with @ahridesu and @dario-alv. GRADE: 18.5/20
Videoclub , using JAVA and Matlab Language with @TomsFreitas. GRADE: 14/20
CARPENTRY - API, using Windows Forms and SQL language, that controls the orders of the shop, GRADE: 14.5/20