
code written and used for my GSoC project 2019

Primary LanguagePython

Code base of the GSoC 2019 project 'DBpedia Triple Extractor'

This is the code base for my Google Summer of Code 2019 project under DBpedia entitled 'Tool to generate RDF triples from DBpedia abstracts'. There is a web application using this code base at github.com/sahitpj/TE-webapp.

The blog to the following project can be found at https://sahitpj.github.io/gs . The following submodules are modifications of the forks of their projects.

My blog can be found at https://sahitpj.github.io

The README will be updated as soon as project components are added.


The blog submodule is the repository which holds code for the Blog website


This repository holds code for the repository of conllu which is a python librbay to parse conll-u format files and generate a tree bank from it. The README for the following repository can be found here


This repository hold code for the repository of pyspotlight which is an API for Dbpedia Spotlight. The README for the following can be found here


This directory has the config code and the readme for setting up Google's Syntaxnet (docker image) and be able to use it. The readme for this can be found here