
The Weather Bloc Demo App is a tailored Flutter project created to vividly demonstrate the power and efficiency of the BLOC (Business Logic Component) pattern in state management.

Primary LanguageDart

BLOC Example

The Weather Forecast App is a simple, user-friendly application developed using Flutter. It employs the BLOC (Business Logic Component) pattern for state management, ensuring a clean separation between the UI (User Interface) and business logic.

Getting Started 🚀

This project uses flutter 3.16.4.

Add API key

Don't forget to provide the OpenWeather API key as runtime parameter: --dart-define="API_KEY=<your_key>"

Attribution ⭐

This project uses a super cute rive animation from rockingelevator, the animation "Impatient Placeholder" is licenced under CC BY 4.0 and was slightly modified for the use in this project.