
A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.


A handpicked and time proven marketing and growth articles and tools to grow your product🚀

Often creat ideas needs some extra nudge to lift off. After building a productivity tool for mobile app developers and early stage companies, we understood that our struggles with marketing and growth were not unique. We listed down some resources that helped us to find product marketing fit, grow the first user base, understand our target group and scale without a massive budget or human resources.

Over the past 4 years our marketing team at Codemagic CI/CD by Nevercode:

  • launched Codemagic in cooperation with Google on Flutter Live event and Testmagic on Mobile World Congress Barcelona Google stage.
  • Rebranded successfully Nevercode and Codemagic brand into tool that develpers love according to Google survey.
  • Developed and executed a comprehensive content strategy based on extensive SEO analytics. Growing a highly technical blog to 64K blog visitors/ month in 1.5 years.

We listed down articles, videos, spreadsheets, podcasts that have helped us closer where we are today! Furthermore, we are sharing marketing stack we use to keep track on our activities and success! Note that the list of the marketing activities goes in order that it made sense for us to start as an early stage company. Please feel free to use this collection to boost your ideas and add your best picks, hacks with other husslers out there✨ Simply submit a Pull Request with respect to our Contribution Guidelines.!

"It's easier to invent the future than to predict it" - Alan Kay

📚 Table of Contents

Find your product market fit!

Only one factor predict’s a product’s success and it's having product/market fit! Do you have clear understanding who is your ideal paying customer (buyer persona) and what's your copetitive advantage compared to your competitors? What are your user pressing needs, motivations and decision-making process? Only really talking to customers and understanding what they are trying to achive helps you to nail the marketing messages and choose channels that will reach the right target group. Last but not least scale your product by spending time on building product roadamap that users need and love!

To reach your product marketing fit there's no magic but really talking to your users and understanding what problems are they are trying to solve. Your responsibility is to dig into it by asking the right questions and embrace the feedback.

Kow your client - buyer personas

Buyer personas is a detailed representation of your ideal client based on market research and real data. All the aspects you are able to add to understand the democraphics, behaviour patterns, pain points, motivations and goals. As a result, you will be able to attract the most valuable visitors, leads, and customers to your business.

The Saddest thing that can happen to a startup is for nobody to care when it disappears - Rob Fitzpatrick

Create messages that convert

How to create compelling value proposition that resonates with your buyer personas?

🛠 Useful tools

Online surveys for feedback:

PS! We experienced 40% better responce rate after adding "receive gift card in-exchange for the feedback"

User statistics

Competitive data tools:

SEO & Content marketing

Why is it important? SEO and content marketing always go together. There’s no SEO without content.

Organic search is a critical part of the customer’s research process, especially for products with a long sales cycle. The higher you rank in the Google search results pages, the more traffic your site will get

SEO is cost-effective and it also improves user experience, making it more likely for customers to become repeat buyers.

51 percent of all website traffic comes from organic search!

What do you need to know about SEO?

Best practices

In order to start driving leads from search engines, you’ll need to come up with a strategic plan for your SEO.

Keyword research is the cornerstone of your SEO efforts.

Optimize your website and existing content for the search engines based on your target keywords list:

Create new content that could start ranking in Google and bring in new organic search traffic.

Getting quality backlinks is very important for SEO


Free tools

  • Google Search Console - the best place to see what exact keywords and content pieces are getting impressions and clicks on Google search results.
  • Ubersuggest - free keyword research tool that helps you see related keywords, their search volumes and competition.
  • Answerthepublic - discover what people are Googling and get ideas for your content calendar.
  • HARO - sign up for the daily email newsletter and start pitching yourself as a source to different publications in order to build high-quality backlinks.

Premium tools

  • Ahrefs - very reliable and comprehensive SEO tool with lots of features. Best option if your focus is more on the link building aspect of SEO.
  • SEMrush - top SEO tool with lots of features. Best option if your focus is more on the content creation aspect of SEO.

Launhing your app

Product Hunt

Useful tools

Email marketing

What is email marketing and why you need it?

Useful tools

Social Media Marketing

What is social media marketing and why you need it?

Useful tools

Facebook Marketing

Twitter Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

* * *

Reddit Marketing

Marketing analytics

How data helps your better marketing decisions. How to make sense of data?

Product listings

What are product listings and why it's useful to use them?

  • Stackshare
  • GetApp
  • Capterra
  • Product Hunt
  • Slant
  • G2 Crowd provide lasting results with minimal effort

Website optimization & A/B testing

Going open source

Cool ideas for inspiration

Growth Podcast to follow

Thank you

Massive appreciation for who suggested pieces of content (or wrote something new) for this collection for startup hasslers: These collections can always get better, and I hope that they do. If you can think of anything that was missed, I welcome you to share it. To share your thoughts, improvements or additions: Email or Twitter.