
All coursework for the Java Masterclass, learning Java 8 and Java 9 core development, including mob programming sessions with the Java Community and code challenges. Joined this community in support of my training at work, the Java Academy @ LCM.

Primary LanguageJava

Java Masterclass

All coursework for the Java Masterclass by Tim Buchalka (Learn Programming Academy teacher), learning Java 8 and Java 9 core development, including mob programming sessions with the Java Community and code challenges. Joined this community in support of my training at work, the Java Academy @ LCM.

go to The Course at Udemy
or to The Learn Programming Academy


  • Section 01 - First Steps
  • Section 02 - Variables, Datatypes and Operators
  • Section 03 - Expressions, Statements, Code blocks, Methods and more
  • Section 04 - Control Flow Statements
  • Section 05 - OOP Part 1 - Classes, Constructors and Inheritance
  • Section 06 - OOP Part 2 - Composition, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism
  • Section 07 - Arrays, Java inbuilt Lists, Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Section 08 - Inner and Abstract Classes & Interfaces
  • Section 09 - Java Generics
  • Section 10 - Naming Conventions and Packages. static and final keywords
  • Section 11 - Java Collections
  • Section 12 - JavaFX
  • Section 13 - Basic Input & Output including java.util
  • Section 14 - Concurrency in Java
  • Section 15 - Lambda Expressions
  • Section 16 - Regular Expressions
  • Section 17 - Debugging and Unit Testing
  • Section 18 - Databases
  • Section 19 - Java Networking Programming
  • Section 20 - Bonus Material