- A naming system practiced in Ghana while naming their children according to the day of the week born.
- Download the zip codes from my git account.
- Extract the zip file to your folder directory documents or desktop.
- Open the folder saved using Visual studio or Atom.
- To render the page on your browser,Go live with your server.
- Edit codes and push it to github
- still working on on the errors brought when runnning codes in javascript and how to define them.
- This app intends to teach people on the culture of people of Ghana and how they used to name their children.
- The user while interacting with this app expects an output of the names according to the days of the week and year born.
- The user can also test using his own birth date and see if he/she was in Ghana how he will be named.
- javascript
- email @
- 0742249975
- fb @zellyjones
- instagram @ Mariga john
licensed under MIT license