
App to meet new friends on festivals your visting 🎉

Build with node.js express and sass

How to install


I strongy recommend to use bash on windows this makes development alot easier and alows you to run linux on windows which is great check the tutorial out here http://techgenix.com/bash-on-windows-10/

  1. create a directory for the repo mkdir Festimatch
  2. navigate to the folder
  3. git clone https://github.com/Marijnone/be-assessement.git
  4. inside the folder run npm install

.env file

create .env file Inside the .env file you put

  • DB_HOST=localhost
  • DB_USER=youruser
  • DB_NAME=Festimatch
  • DB_PASSWORD=yourmysqlpassword
  • SESSION_SECRET=your session secret

How to start

  • There are three command needed to start the webapp
  • first inside your bash start your mysql server with ````sudo service mysql start```
  • then run watch-css
  • and after that npm start