
Data Visualization mapping earthquakes data using JavaScript and D3 library, Leaflet library, MapBox API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mapping_Earthquakes Challenge

BootCamp Week 13. GeoJSON, Javascript


This Challenge is about mapping earthquakes data from diferent sources, using JavaScript and D3 library, Leaflet library, MapBox API.

The project is in the Earthquakes_Challenge directory, and switches between 3 different types of maps: Street, Satellite and Navigation Night, also showing the record of earthquakes in the last 7 days, identifying them as follows:

  1. With a circle of size and color proportional to the magnitude of the earthquake, as well as a pop-up with its magnitude and location.
  2. A map of the tectonic layers around the world, which allows us to identify the ones that have registered the most seismic activity.
  3. Finally, the incidents with magnitud greater tha 4.5 Richter scale, classified as major earthquakes, reserving the red color for
    earthquakes which magnitud greater than 6.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-02 a la(s) 20 41 19

Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-02 a la(s) 20 42 09

Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-02 a la(s) 20 43 39