a lightweight C-like programming language and compiler, with a user friendly GUI

Primary LanguageYacc

♠️ Crust ♠️

a lightweight C-like programming language and compiler, with a user friendly GUI

This project was implemented as our Compilers' course project. It essentially implements the full compiler pipeline : Front-End | IR | Back-End

  • "We used C to make C", this project was entirely written in C. Such speed, less space.
  • Uses Flex and Bison's implementation for Lex and Yacc.
  • Friendly Syntax
  • Not Strictly typed
  • Predictive and informative error handling
  • Produces stack machine assembly. Aiming for compatibility with different CPU architectures.
  • Cauce -pronounced as "Sauce"- is our minimalistic GUI using TKinter.
  • Supports advanced programming schemes like Recursions, Nest-oriented programming, structs, Polymorphism, etc.
  • Debugger [Future plans]

Syntax 📄

you can find our Language rules here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AywCNfDTK4mzxmF-IoVwgKzLli8sE6zEiFXHfqb00Ug/edit?usp=sharing

Watch our demo ! 💫


pasted image 0

Hot-Keys ✨

  • CTRL + N New file
  • CTRL + O Open file
  • CTRL + S Save file
  • CTRL + Shift + S Save file as

How to Use 🔍

- Using Cauce ❓

  1. Open CMD in the GUI directory, type python ctk.py
  2. Write your Code inside
  3. Hit Compile!

- Headless 💫

  1. flex lexer.l
  2. bison -d parser.y
  3. cc *.c -o out.exe
  4. write your Code inside a file, for example myCode.txt
  5. .\out.exe myCode.txt

- Outputs ⚡

  • stackassembly.txt our assembly stack machine program
  • symboltable.txt the final symbol table after complete compilation
  • symboltablelogs.txt log file containing the symbol table step by step (very useful for debugging)
  • ParsingErrors.txt containing all indeces of lines with Syntax errors
  • SemanticErrors.txt contains all indeces of lines if any semantic warning gets raised

Prerequisites ⚙️

  • GCC or G++ or CC
  • GNU's Flex or Lex
  • GNU's Bison or Yacc
  • Python >= 3.8
  • TKinter and Custom TKinter pip install tkinter customtkinter

Build it yourself! 💡

you can find our guide on how to install lex and bison on windows and linux from here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAyArnxpMbBoU88uCNGYJ-3RBwjH-wLrotDa0c85Uew/edit?usp=sharing

then just clone the repo and use it as mentioned above :)

Future plans 🚀

  • Cudo | Crust's friendly debugger
  • Better UI Features
  • Linking multiple code files, Imports and externs
  • An actual VM instead of using an external assembler to execute our stack-machine code

Credits 👨‍💻 👩‍💻 👩‍💻 👩‍💻

"Appreciation has the amazing habit of bringing more reasons to be grateful for."

Ammar Mohamed
Ayman Reda
Marim Naser
Marim Naser
Mariem Muhammed
Mariem Muhammed
Abeer Hussein
Abeer Hussein
