
It reads BFRES

Primary LanguageRust


Reads BFRES in Rust

Thanks to:

Run the Basic Info:

> cargo run --release --bin basic_info your_file.sbfres

Run the OBJ Exporter:

> cargo run --release --bin obj_exporter your_file.sbfres output_folder

Run the Texture Exporter:

> cargo run --release --bin texture_export your_file.sbfres output_folder

Possible Improvements:

  • Make a more convenient way of using Vertices and related data
  • Read Skeleton related data
  • DAE Export (Incl. Vertices, Materials, Skeleton)
  • OBJ + Material export
  • Write documentation
  • Get rid of every unimplemented and assert_eq
  • Smart Reader for both Big and Little Endian
  • Fix UV Export and export more attributes