Pinned issues
- 2
#951 opened by rockfordlhotka - 14
Unable to configure AppServerCore
#907 opened by ashishsinha24 - 17
PropertyChanged not fired from ObjectRule
#919 opened by tsvideo - 7
- 6
- 7
Require Dependency Injection
#948 opened by rockfordlhotka - 2
Async call for CSLA 5.2.0-R20050802
#950 opened by fundez - 2
Blazor Server Side. Authorization not work when deploy on Azure WebSite with SignalR
#949 opened by RolandoTonin - 0
CSLA 5.2.0-20050802 prerelease
#947 opened by rockfordlhotka - 34
BusinessRuleAsync and CSLA0018
#903 opened by brinawebb - 5
- 3
Dapper and Csla Helper Classes
#946 opened by Chicagoan2016 - 6
Andriod and iOS apps
#925 opened by Chicagoan2016 - 3
"Data binding" for rules
#945 opened by rockfordlhotka - 2
- 0
CSLA version 5.2.0 prerelease 20042901
#943 opened by rockfordlhotka - 7
- 0
Rocky Lhotka and CSLA .NET AMA survey
#933 opened by rockfordlhotka - 25
Blazor ViewModel additional functionality (3 questions)
#938 opened by j055 - 0
CSLA version 5.2.0 prerelease 20042401
#939 opened by rockfordlhotka - 1
Add virtual to Parent
#937 opened by Cuiqs76 - 4
Including DataPortalController in Blazor.Server
#936 opened by animjn - 9
Xamarin IOS Linking
#929 opened by Gevand - 7
2 Blazor Questions
#934 opened by fundez - 8
HttpProxy Authentication Problem
#935 opened by jdchristian - 11
Already an open DataReader in Blazor server app using DI or ConnectionManager or Both
#920 opened by bboney - 3
Blazor app and 'local' DataPortal
#924 opened by Chicagoan2016 - 2
Quick questions about Csla 5.xx
#932 opened by Chicagoan2016 - 7
Child_XYZ Async no wait server response
#922 opened by Cuiqs76 - 3
CslaPolicy not found when used in AuthorizeView
#927 opened by Brannos1970 - 4
Blazor Server Side & ApplicationContext
#931 opened by clodewyks - 1
Saving produces an "Property get not allowed" exception on LazyLoad properties
#928 opened by Brannos1970 - 5
Logging CSLA performance with ELK APM
#926 opened by BlagoCuljak - 0
Version 5.2.0 prerelease
#923 opened by rockfordlhotka - 6
Correct use For attribute on CSLAValidationMessage component of CSLA Blazor
#921 opened by Brannos1970 - 10
- 2
Changing properties within an aysnc rule
#917 opened by Marjon80 - 11
Obsolete BeginCreate and BeginFetch
#915 opened by BlagoCuljak - 3
Anyone have a CSLA assessment quiz I could use
#916 opened by swegele - 7
- 1
Visual Studio IDE and Blazor
#914 opened by Chicagoan2016 - 3
Choice between Technologies
#911 opened by ashishsinha24 - 2
- 7
CSLA.Data.ContextManager not found
#910 opened by schreindog20 - 3
- 1
Need a Mac to debug iOS Apps?
#906 opened by Chicagoan2016 - 3
WPF XAML FriendlyName property
#905 opened - 4
Purpose of OnMetaPropertyChanged
#904 opened by Marjon80 - 4
Issue Running Project Tracker Blazor Sample
#902 opened by fundez - 13