OpenAI gym and Gymnasium environment for CARLA Simulator, particularly for a 4-way unsignalized intersection environment.
The following are the requirements for running this repository using the provided docker files:
- Operating System: Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
- NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support (tested on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/3080/3090)
Clone the repository
git clone
(Optional) If you want to use the gymnasium environment, then use the main branch. To use gym v0.21, checkout the following branch.
git checkout gym-v0.21
From within the working directory, open the
file to change any specific requirements such as CARLA version, CUDA version etc. -
Run the
file to set the environment variables for docker.bash
Pull the already built containers from docker hub if they are available.
docker compose pull
After the containers have been pulled, start them using the following command.
docker compose up -d
(Optional) Open the
, and attach it to VS Code using theRemote Explorer
Setup a configuration file based on your requirements:
exp_name: "first_test" # Name of experiment output_dir: "output" # Name of output directory for logs env: obs_space: "dict" # Choose from "dict" or "normal" continuous: True # If False then discrete mode is used target_speeds: [0, 3, 6, 9, 12] # For discrete speed control desired_speed: 12 # For continuous speed control dt: 0.05 render: false ego_vehicle_filter: "*" # Vehicle to use for ego vehicle num_veh: 1 # Number of vehicles in each intersection except ego vehicle num_ped: 1 # Number of pedestrians at each crosswalk max_steps: 500 # Maximum number of steps per episode CAM_RES: 1024 # Camera resolution for rendering max_waypt: 200 # Maximum number of waypoints pedestrian_proximity_threshold: 2.0 # Threshold to give negative reward when vehicle distance to pedestrian is less than this value vehicle_proximity_threshold: 2.5 # Threshold to give negative reward when vehicle distance to other vehicle is less than this value reward_weights: # Route completion reward c_completion: 100.0 # Collision penalty with vehicle c_terminal_collision: -100.0 # Collision penalty with pedestrian c_terminal_pedestrian_collision: -200.0 # Timeout penalty c_terminal_timeout: -10.0 # Velocity reward constants c_v_eff_under_limit: 1.0 c_v_eff_over_limit: -2.0 # Penalty for needing another step r_step: -0.0 # Penalty for non-smooth actions c_action_reg: -0.0 # Penalty for yaw delta w.r.t. road heading c_yaw_delta: -0.0 # Penalty for lateral deviation c_lat_dev: -0.0 # Distance from goal penalty c_dist_from_goal: 3.5 # Progress reward c_progress: 0.0 # Penalty for being close to pedestrians c_pedestrian_proximity: -10.0 # Penalty for being close to vehicles c_vehicle_proximity: -5.0
Save the config file as
. -
Setup the environment using the following code snippet. This is also found in
.import yaml import carla_env_custom if __name__ == "__main__": cfg = yaml.safe_load(open("config_name.yaml", "r")) env = carla_env_custom.CarlaEnv(cfg=cfg, host="HOST", tm_port=9000) obs, info = env.reset() while True: obs, reward, done, _, info = env.step(np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float32)) if done: obs, info = env.reset()