
dot files for personal IDE - Works for all unix based environments (has .bash_profile and .vim set up)

Primary LanguageVim Script

Collection of dot files to set up my working environment from any unix based system

To set up command line preferences

  1. Create/go to your work directory
  2. Clone this repository into your work directory
  3. Ensure .bash_profile doesn't exist in your home folder ~/
  4. Run bash link_dot_bash.sh

This will create a soft link to your home folder with this repository's .bash__profile file

if you ever going to edit your .bash_profile make sure you edit the one in this repository and not the soft link in your home folder

To set up vim working environment

  1. Create/go to your work directory
  2. Clone this repository into your work directory
  3. Ensure .vimrc file & .vim folder doesn't exist in your home folder ~/ file
  4. Run bash link_dot_vim.sh
  5. Open vim
  6. Run :PlugInstall to ensure proper installation of plugins

This will create a soft link to your home folder with this repository's .vim folder

if you ever going to edit your .vim folder or any of its contents, make sure you edit the one in this repository and not the soft link in your home folder