
Golang 1.4 beta on Android

Primary LanguageJava


Golang 1.4 beta on Android

currently only working on linux (use a vm if are on macos)

Thanks for support: Android Arsenal

Discounted! As from official go 1.4, use native functions.


  1. Download and install NDK -> From go.mobile:

Pick a home for the standalone NDK toolchain and set an environment variable: NDK_ROOT=$HOME/android/ndk-toolchain

Configure the NDK toolchain:

ndk/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --platform=android-9 --install-dir=$NDK_ROOT
  1. Get the Golang 1.4 beta, go to into src dir and type:

     CC_FOR_TARGET=$NDK_CC GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 ./make.bash
  2. At some point, you should see gcc erros about 'gcc: error: unrecognized command line option -marm'

  3. Go get: go get github.com/MarinX/godroid

  4. Folder android_so_lib, contains makefile to build your .so lib (I already included this is AndroidStudio project, so you can check it and run)

  5. You can import the android_studio project and explore/modify/run (support for android 2.3>=).

  6. When you are done, don't forget to uncomment or remove the PATH you set, to use your standard gcc.

Discounted! As from official go 1.4, use native functions.