
A single Belot game room for 4 players - nodejs backend.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bela server

Deploy on Heroku

socket.io events emitted by the server

  • hand
    data: { username: string, hand: string[], display8: boolean }
    description: data.hand is the set of 8 card codes assigned to player with data.username. data.display8 indicates whether frontend should display all 8 cards. Emitted at the beginning of every game and after trump is set.

  • updateUsernames
    data: { usernames: string[], teams: { A: string[], B: string[] } }
    description: Emitted when a player joins the game room.

  • callTrump
    data: { username: string, lastCall: boolean }
    description: data.username indicates the player whose turn it is to call the trump. If data.lastCall is true, the player shouldn't return empty string.

  • setTrump
    data: { trump: string, username: string }
    description: data.username and data.trump indicate which player set the trump. Emitted as soon as any of the players sets the trump.

  • callScale
    data: string
    description: data is the username of player whose turn it is to call a scale.

  • announceScale
    data: { username: string, points: number, bela: boolean }
    description: data.username and data.points indicates which username announced which scale. data.bela indicates whether it's a bela scale.

  • showScales
    data: [{ hand: string[], username: string }]
    description: data is the set of accepted scales that belong to the team with highest scale priority.

  • callBela
    data: { username: string, card: string } description: emitted if the player with data.username has the possibility of calling the bela scale.

  • gamePoints
    data: { A: number, B: number }
    description: data.A is the number of points team 'A' scored during the current game, data.B is the number of points team 'B' scored during the current game.

  • matchPoints
    data: { games: [{ A: number, B: number }], total: { A: number, B: number }}
    description: the first element of data.games is the result of the most recent game played.

  • playCard
    data: string
    description: data is the username of player whose turn it is to play a card.

  • moveNotAllowed
    data: string
    description: data is the username of player who chose an illegal card move or called an illegal scale.

  • acceptCard
    data: { username: string, card: string }
    description: data.username and data.card indicate which player played the card.

  • fail
    data: string
    description: data is the name of team that failed to score the minimum number of points needed.

  • endMatch
    data: string
    description: data is the name of the team that won the match.

  • killMatch
    data: string
    description: data is the username of the player that refused to join the second match and therefore all players should be kicked out of the game room.