
Systems and biomedical engineering, Cairo University. Level 3, 1st semester.

Course: Digital signal processing, Task 2


Team Members' Names Section B.N.
Marina Nasser 2 12
Ghofran Mohamed 2 8
Nourhan Sayed 2 41
Mayar Ehab 2 47

Main Idea

Signal processing, by applying FFT to a signal, control the amplitude of the frequncies within the signal and displaying it after applying Inverse Fourier Transform.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

Fast Fourier Transformation(FFT) is a mathematical algorithm that calculates Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) of a given sequence. The only difference between FT(Fourier Transform) and FFT is that FT considers a continuous signal while FFT takes a discrete signal as input. DFT converts a sequence (discrete signal) into its frequency constituents just like FT does for a continuous signal. In our case, we have a sequence of amplitudes that were sampled from a continuous audio signal. DFT or FFT algorithm can convert this time-domain discrete signal into a frequency-domain.



  • Uploading Csv or Wav type file.
  • Contains 4 modes ("Uniform Range Mode", "Vowels Mode", "Musical Instruments Mode", "Biological Signal Abnormalities").
  • Displaying orignal and modified audio in vowels and musical insturments modes.
  • Displaying static and dynamic plots for the orignal and modified signal.
  • A spectorogram for both orignal and modified signals.

Modes Description

  • "Uniform Range Mode" : the total frequency range of the input signal is divided uniformly into 10 equal ranges of frequencies, each is controlled by one slider.
  • "Vowels Mode" : each slider can control the magnitude of specific vowel.
  • "Musical Instruments Mode" : each slider can control the magnitude of a specific musical instrument.
  • "Biological Signal Abnormalities" : one slider control the normal ECG signal and the other controls the arrhythmia within the signal.


Visual representation of frequencies of a given signal with time is called Spectrogram. In a spectrogram representation plot — one axis represents the time, the second axis represents frequencies and the colors represent magnitude (amplitude) of the observed frequency at a particular time.


Uniform Range Mode

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Vowels Mode

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Spectrogram and Dynamic plotting in Musical Instruments Mode

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Biological Signal Abnormalities

Equalizer - Google Chrome 11_19_2022 2_09_25 AM