
Ejercicios de carga y preposcesamiento de datos

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Loading and Preprocessing

Data Loading and Preprocessing Exercises

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This repository contains a series of exercises on data analysis and preprocessing using Python and the Pandas library. The exercises cover a variety of common techniques and processes in data manipulation and exploration.


  1. Preprocesessing

  2. Analysis


1.1- Importing libraries
1.2- DataFrame creation
1.3- Displaying the shape of the DataFrame and variables overview
1.4- Checking columns
1.5- Displaying the DataFrame
1.6- Visualizing null values in a heatmap
1.7- Changing pandas options to display all columns
1.8- Visualizing the first 5 rows of the DataFrame
1.9- Obtaining information about data types in the DataFrame
1.10- Finding duplicate elements
1.11- Cleaning column names by removing leading spaces
1.12- Checking for null values
1.13- Calculating the percentage of null values in each column
1.14- Dropping columns based on null values
1.15- Fixing columns
1.16- Checking a line of the DataFrame before starting the analysis


2.1- What are the dimensions of the DataFrame after data cleaning?
2.2- How many unique values do we have for each column?
2.3- What is the distribution of the number of members among the animes?
2.4- How many animes have been adapted from a manga?
2.5- Which anime has the most members? Show it along with its name
2.6- How many animes have a score greater than 8.0?
2.7- Which studio has produced the most animes?
2.8- What distribution do the variables in the "score" column follow?
2.9- What is the relationship between the score and the number of members?
2.10- Is there a correlation between the score and the number of members?
2.11- How many animes have matching names (name) and Japanese names (title_japanese)? What are those animes?
2.12- What is the average duration of the Top5 most popular animes?
2.13- What are the top 3 studios with the most created animes? Sort them in descending order
2.14- How many movies and how many series are there in the list?
2.15- What is the average duration of the movies?
2.16- What is the average duration of the episodes of the series?
2.17- Out of the Top15 favorites, how many are movies and how many are series?
2.18- What is the Top10 ranking?
2.19- How many animes were first aired in the 90s?