
Uses life360 API to access circle data, and store it away in daily .csv files for later viewing and data analysis.

Primary LanguagePython


Uses life360 API to access circle data, and store it away in daily .csv files for later viewing, data analysis, and group notifications and records!

Credits to Harper Reed & Phil Bruckner (https://github.com/pnbruckner/life360.git) for creating the framework life360 client I added to for this project.


Make sure you add your information to constants.py in order to effectively access the API as well as use the visualizer.

  • deviceType = Type of OS you are using, [macos or windows] (macos is same as linux in terms of file system structure)

  • debugMode = If you want output printed to the terminal based on what the program is doing live. (for logging or debugging purposes)

  • life360_username = Email associated with the life360 account you are logging in with.

  • life360_password = Password to your life 360 account.

  • timeZone = Timezone you are operating from. i.e 'America/New_York' (You can run the program without selecting a timezone and the program will print all timezones to choose from, then just paste yours into the timeZone variable.

  • remote_logs_directory = Where the logs are stored on the separate server you'd want to download them from. i.e "/home/pi/Triangular-inator/logs/"

  • local_logs_directory = Where the logs are stored on your machine. i.e "/Users/me/Desktop/Programming/Python/Triangular-inator/logs/"

  • serverHostname,serverPort,serverUser,serverPass = These variables are for accessing a separate server to download your data if it is not ran locally, if you have no intention on using this function you can leave these blank.

  • yourGmail = This is the gmail account that will be sending out updates to all the participants in the life360 circle!

  • gmail_SENDING_appPass = this is the app password you can generate for the gmail account that allows it to send and receive mail.

You will need to create sub-folders within the logs folder, one for each member's first name in your group's circle.

^ No longer needed! The program does this automatically and now supports new users joining the circle! If a user joins the circle, a folder will automatically be made will start logging.


Ensure you have python installed (>3.0), then open a terminal and run -

pip3 install -r <PATH-OF-requirements.txt> This will install all requirements.

The life360.py file is the framework to actually connect to life-360's servers. I did not make this. However every other file in this project is original.

logger360 is intended to run headlessly on a computer with constant internet access. It will continuously scrape life360's server for data on your circle, at which point it will log this data to a .csv file.

logger360 logs the following:

  • GPS coordinates (lattitude & longitude)
  • battery percentage and if currently plugged in
  • name
  • date & time
  • if person is currently in transit
  • geographic speed
  • timestamps for arriving
  • Duration of which you've stayed there

Visualizer is for viewing any and all data that is collected in the csv files. just ensure it is in a directory that has a proper logs folder format (as mentioned above) as well as the csv files and it should run without a problem.

Screenshot of my program Colored paths for easier differentiation between people.

Screenshot of my program A bigger view.

Screenshot of my program An example of the emails that get sent from mailer.py.

Screenshot of my program Display logged speed of user if they were moving / driving during log.

Screenshot of my program Dynamic information previewing. (i.e if you're just viewing one person it won't show their name, just viewing one date it won't show the date.)

Screenshot of my program Addition of path plotting for each member.

Screenshot of my program POI generation based on how many logs are taken of members at specific locations. The paramaters for POI flagging can be adjusted by the two sliders.