
A novel movie trailer dataset for genre classification


A novel movie trailer dataset for genre classification

Data Description:movie trailers based on YouTube Total Amount:14414 Data Formation:.mp4 File Description:

movie.csv - movie information is contained in this file. Each line of this file after the header row represents one movie, and has the following format: youtubeId, movieId, title youtubeId is an identifier for movies used by https://www.youtube.com/ and it’s also the file name of the video. movieId is an identifier for movies used by https://movielens.org. movie titles are entered manually or imported from https://www.themoviedb.org/, and include the year of release in parentheses.

tag.csv - this file provide the tag descriptions for the tag IDs.

score.csv - this file contains movie-tag relevance data in the following format:movieId, tagId, relevance

PS: This git contains a small portion of Movietrailer-14k. For a more complete form of this dataset, please visit https://pan.baidu.com/s/1tZZojZ4vNgwg2kODmAZe1w by using password zzd0