
Kotlin Extensions for various Minecraft classes

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Kotlin Extensions for Minecraft [Fabric]

This mod is an API that provides useful extensions to existing vanilla classes. They are grouped based on the class that is primarily dealt with or returned by the function.

Block Extensions

  • Block.makeItem() - creates a new BlockItem based on the block. Optionally takes an Item.Settings.
  • Block.matches(Identifier) - checks whether the block is contained in the tag with the given id
  • Block.matches(String) - converts the String to an Identifier then calls matches(Identifier)

Identifier Extensions

  • String.id - converts the String to an Identifier
  • Pair<String,String>.id - converts the Pair to an Identifier
  • Identifier.component1() and .component2() - allows for destructuring of Identifiers
  • String.validId() - checks if the String is a valid Identifier
  • Pair<String,String>.validId() checks if the Pair is a valid Identifier

Item Extensions

  • Item.stack() - creates a new ItemStack with the Item. Optionally takes an Int for the count.
  • Item.matches(Tag<Item> or Identifier or String) - checks if the Item is in the Tag. Same idea as Block::matches

NBT Tag Extensions

  • compooundTag(vararg Pair<String, Tag>) - creates a new CompoundTag with the given elements
  • CompoundTag.set(String, Tag) - operator for CompoundTag::put
  • Map<String,Tag>.toCompoundTag() - creates a new CompoundTag from the map's elements
  • Any?.toTag() - Creates a new Tag from the object. Note: if the object cannot be converted into a tag, this will crash the game.
  • interface NBTSerializable - Allows you to create the NBT representation for your classes. Not needed for Entity and BlockEntity subclasses.

Registry Extensions

  • Registry<T>.get(String) - converts to an Identifier and gets the value in the Registry
  • Registry<T>.set(Identifier or String, T) - Registers the value in the Registry using Registry.register
  • Identifier.item() and .block() and .entityType() and .blockEntityType() and .registry() - gets the value at the Identifier in the appropriate Registry

Tag Extensions

  • Identifier.tag<T>() - gets a Tag<T> at the Identifier. Only valid for Item, Block, EntityType, and Fluid. Any other type will crash the game.
  • String.tag<T>() - converts to an Identifier and gets the Tag<T> at it
  • Tag<T>.isEqual(Tag<T>) - Tag<T>.equals is not properly overridden. Use this to compare equality with tags.

World Extensions

  • World.runOnClient(()->Unit) - Runs the passed function only on the client
  • World.runOnServer(()->Unit) - Runs the passed function only on the server