Here is the build and the steps we took to get this project up and running.



  1. Download Raspbian Jessie Lite
  2. Image the SD card and insert into your Raspberry Pi 3
  3. Update your Raspberry Pi 3
 - sudo apt-get update -y
 - sudo apt-get upgrade –y
 - sudo apt-get install rpi-update
 - sudo reboot
  1. Enable SSH on the PI
In a terminal window : sudo raspi-config
 Select Interfacing Options
 Navigate to and select SSH
 Choose Yes
 Select Ok
 Choose Finish
  1. Get your Pi online, either via WiFi or Ethernet

-- For Wifi: -- sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf


  1. Prepare the PiDrive Volume
  sudo fdisk /dev/sda (in my case, the WD PiDrive is /dev/sda)
  sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 -L "data"
  sudo mkdir /mnt/data (mount the partition)
  sudo mount -t ext4 -o "noatime" /dev/sda1 /mnt/data
  sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/data
  sudo chmod -R 775 /mnt/data
  1. Auto mount the drive after every reboot
  sudo mkdir /mnt/data (if not already present)
  sudo nano /etc/fstab

Add this entry in this file

LABEL=Data /mnt/data ext4 defaults,noatime,nofail 0 2


<ctrl-x>, <y>, <enter>
  1. Reboot

  2. Make sure everything works and that you can see the data drive mount

  1. df -h
  1. Follow steps 1-6 from Build a Timelapse Rig with your Raspberry Pi

  2. Test the your camera is working

  3. raspistill -o cam.jpg

  4. If the output from raspistill gave you an error,

Check Step 1 in Alex's guide Enable RPi camera

Check that the cables the silver connectors are facing the HDMI port and the blue part faces the USB

  1. Start Docker
docker run --restart=always --privileged -e TZ=&quot;US/Central&quot; -v `pwd`/phototimer/ -v /mnt/data:/var/image --name cam -d alexellis2/phototimer
  1. One of the things we noticed was by default the container runs By adding the -e TZ="US/Central" parameter, we can change the timezone in the container to be what we want. *** Alex has updated his notes to fix this ***

  2. Install ngrok. This will allow us to SSH into the box from anywhere, even if from behind a firewall.

  3. Create an account on Ngrok

  4. sudo wget\_2.0.19\_linux\

  5. unzip

  6. ./ngrok "yourauthtoken" (from the online portal)

  7. ./ngrok tcp 221

  8. Have ngrok load on reboot

  9. Sudo nano /home/pi/

  10. Add this to this new file: /usr/local/bin/ngrok tcp 22

  11. Crontab -e

  12. Add to the bottom: @reboot /home/pi/