Repository for the course "Sistemas Operativos" (EIC0027) of the second semester of the second year of MIEIC in FEUP.

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Repository for the course "Sistemas Operativos" (EIC0027) of the second semester of the second year of MIEIC in FEUP.

In this repository there are the 2 practical assignments of this course in the lective year of 2015/2016.

The focus of this course was the following:

  • File and directory manipulation (1st assignment)
  • Creation and management of processes and threads (1st and 2nd assignment)
  • Intercommunication between processes: signals, pipes, FIFOs and shared memory (essentially 2nd assignment)
  • Sincronization between processes and threads (semaphores, mutexes and condition variables) (2nd assignment)
