
My own development branch of the well known WPF document docking library

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

NuGet AvalonDock
NuGet AvalonDock.Themes.Expression
NuGet AvalonDock.Themes.Metro
NuGet Dirkster.AvalonDock.Themes.VS2013

Master Branch

Build statusRelease Continues Integration

Log4Net Branch

Build status Continues Integration


Support this project by setting a STAR, reporting an issue, or even better, placing a pull request.

My IDE called Edi is powered by this project.

AvalonDock is a WPF Document and Tool Window layout container that is used to arrange documents and tool windows in similar ways than many well known IDEs, such as, Eclipse, Visual Studio, PhotoShop and so forth. Here are some CodeProject articles:

This repository contains additional bug fixes and a feature added fork from: https://github.com/xceedsoftware/wpftoolkit

Be sure to checkout the Wiki for more details. The repository also contains a Log4Net branch for debugging interactive issues with a close enough branch. There are also Log4Net demo executables in the 3.4.01 (or later) realease for additional debugging fun.

Feature Added - Dark and Light VS 2013 Theme

Please review the Project Wiki to see more demo screenshots. All screenshots below are from the MLib based VS 2013 Dark (Accent Color Gold)/Light (Accent Color Blue) theme on Windows 10. Similar theming results should be possible with other theming libraries since the implementation follow these guidelines.

The Docking Buttons are defined in XAML, which ensures a good looking image on all resolutions, even 4K or 8K, and enables us to color theme consistently with the Window 10 Accent Color.

Description Dark Light
Dock Document
Dock Document
Dock Tool Window
Tool Window

Mile Stone History

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.4

Reapplied or New Fixes

Fixed height of titles of floating windows #1203

  • Turn Height into MinHeight ->
  • Fix on UseLayoutRounding="True" -> Commit

System.InvalidOperationException when window docking #1311 Check before Close in InternalClose #1310 Commit

LayoutRoot doesn't notify change for Children or ChildrenCount #1313 Commit

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.3

  • (FIXED in 3.4) AvalonDock Bug after reloading layout ->

  • (FIXED in 3.4) Save Tool Window to Bottom and Reload does not work ->

Patch History for AvalonDock Version 3.2

  • Fixing an old styling issue on the Document Context Menu which appears with white background when styling for dark ->

  • Applied fix to LayoutAnchorable drawn behind LayoutDocument since v3.1 ->

  • Fixed Close Button Position in Generic Theme ->

  • Turned Height in MinHeight ->

  • Added fix on UseLayoutRounding="True" ->

  • Correct Build Configs for Any CPU, x86, x64 ->

  • Fixed DocManager.Layout Properties null after Layout load: LeftSide, TopSide, BottomSide, RightSide null bug after loading layout ->

Initial Commit


in this repository was taken from the last Edi build: 131594 from CodePlex