Auto Run Tracker


Auto run tracker tracks runs and output basic metrics about the run. For questions and update suggestion, please contact Leo Liu ( or Chen Zhao (


First you need to qlogin in qlogin

Command for summarizing runs

/illumina/scratch/K2-I/software/auto_run_tracker/00_parse_summary_linux_NovaSeq.R --summaryCSV=<location_of_output_csv> --runsDir=<directory_of_illumina_runs>

  • --summaryCSV can be a new file or a file that has been created before using the run tracker

  • --runsDir is where the runs are located. The tracker currently supports Novaseq results as well


The run tracker will summarize and parse InterOp files and samplesheet to generate the following results.

The output header:

RunID Experiment Investigator Experiment_Name UniqueSampleNames numSamples Read1_length Read2_length InstrumentID RTAVersion FlowCellRfidTag_SerialNumber FlowCellRfidTag_PartNumber FlowCellRfidTag_LotNumber FlowCellRfidTag_ExpirationDate PR2BottleRfidTag_SerialNumber PR2BottleRfidTag_PartNumber PR2BottleRfidTag_LotNumber PR2BottleRfidTag_ExpirationDate ReagentKitRfidTag_SerialNumber ReagentKitRfidTag_PartNumber ReagentKitRfidTag_LotNumber ReagentKitRfidTag_ExpirationDate YieldTotalG Read1_Q30Percent Read2_Q30Percent Q30Percent Read1_errorRate Read2_errorRate Read1_Intensity Read2_Intensity cluster_density cluster_percent_Pf total_PairedReads total_PairedReadsPf total_PairedReadsPf_demux