
Sample demonstrating how to use UWP on Desktop, Mobile, and IoT with the power of Azure to build a data analytics solution for a shop owner.

Primary LanguageC#


This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

##Improvements over Time This code base is changing and improving over time. For a list of improvements that we want to make, check out the Future milestone under issues. Feel free to fork the code, fix one of the "issues", and submit a Pull Request!

##Getting Started Check out the Wiki for more information!

###Azure Services In order to be able to execute the code and test the sample fully, you will need to register for the following Azure services and place the appropriate keys/URLs into the keys.resx file in the ShopAnalyticsPCL project.

  • Azure App Service - Used to host the ASP.NET Application
  • Azure DocumentDB Account - In addition, you will need to create a Database, collection inside the database, and a document within the collection
  • Azure Notification Hub and Azure Notification Hub Namespace

###IoT Hardware For the IoT Client application, I used the following hardware

  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • 2x 5mm IR Beam Break Sensors
  • 2x Simple LEDs, one red and one yellow (optional - used as an inidicator to determine when the beam sensor is activated)

##License This sample is released under the MIT license