w.beams.visualization Overview

A simple AutoCAD .NET plugin which can be used to visualize and sort amongst different W, S, M, and HP Shapes. These sections can then be drawn as columns or beams.

How to Use

Use netload within AutoCAD and locate w.beams.visualization.dll. Use command createBeam to open the UI.


The shapes are based on the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. JSON data was scraped from the website (https://www.engineersedge.com/materials/aisc_structural_shapes/aisc_structural_shapes_viewer.htm).


Image of the user interface Image of the user interface Image of a beam and column in AutoCAD


  • AutoCAD .NET 23.0 - AutoCAD .NET API
  • MahApps.Metro - UI Framework
  • MaterialDesignThemes - UI Framework
  • MaterialDesignColors - UI Framework
  • MaterialDesignThemes.MahApps - UI Framework
  • Newtonsoft.Json - JSON Library
  • Prism.Unity - WPF/MVVM Framework
  • RestSharp - Web Requests