
Receive/send OSC messages from/to OBS.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


OBS-OSC-PythonScript 0.3

OBS-OSC-PythonScript in OBS Python Resource.

OBS Python scripts that allows to receive/send OSC messages from/to OBS and from/to another OSC sending capable software, like PureData, MobMuPlat, TouchOSC, etc. It uses ready-to-use functions to do some stuff like manipulate sources, scenes and sceneitems. Check obs_api.py and obs_tween.py.

It is based on OSC Sender for OBS script, but this time, it can receive messages (original one doesn't). It uses python-osc with no need to use obs-websockets nor obs-websockets-py.

Ease equations taken from https://github.com/semitable/easing-functions.


  • python-osc
  • IMPORTANT: pythonosc server code needs Python 3.7 and OBS is originally done in 3.6. OBS has to be started with LD_PRELOAD=/<path>/libpython3.7.so. It is explained in this Pull Request comment
  • PIL for image check (used by /source_set_image_file). It is not required, but you have to modify the code to take it off.


Load obs_osc_pythonscript.py in Script, in Tools menu.


  • Server Port: 10008 (*)
  • Client Port: 10000 (*)
  • Client IP: (*)

(*) You can change these 3 in Configuration.

Examples of receiving OSC messages (Server)

The script opens a port in the computer and listen to incoming messages from another software. Messages are with 1 level address and some arguments, depend on the type of command. For example, to locate an item called "ball" in "main" scene, to x: 960 y: 540 (middle of FullHD), message is:

/item_set_pos main ball 960 540

Another example: to make the same ball "move" (interpolation included) from where it was to x: 960 y: 540, wait 500ms to start moving to get that location in 2000ms with an ease type of 'outQuad':

/item_tween to_pos main ball 960 540 2000 500 outQuad

Fade in (opacity) a source with already "Color Correction V2" filter applied. Also, the setting that will be modified has to be changed by hand at least once. This is the way that OBS writes setting to JSON file. Then, you can change it with /source_tween. This example takes opacity from the value it was to 0.3 in 1000ms.

/source_tween to_value main ball colorcorrection opacity 0.3 1000

List of commands

Scenes: changing.

/scene_change scene_name

SceneItems: position, scale, size, rotation, visibility, crop, alignment, delete, duplication, reference, etc.

# Change transform properties
/item_set_pos       scene_name item_name pos_x pos_y
/item_set_scl       scene_name item_name scl_x scl_y
/item_set_rot       scene_name item_name rotation
/item_set_size      scene_name item_name width height
/item_set_transform scene_name item_name pos_x pos_y scl_x scl_y rotation
/item_set_alignment scene_name item_name alignment(int)
/item_set_crop      scene_name item_name left right top bottom
/item_set_visible   scene_name item_name visibility(bool)

# Remove item
/item_remove        scene sceneitem

# Duplicating/referencing SceneItems
/item_reference from_scene_name to_scene_name item_name
/item_duplicate from_scene_name to_scene_name item_name

# Not yet documented

SceneItems tween

Item position, scale, size and rotation interpolated transformation, with duration, delay and ease type.

  • To change SceneItem properties to a new position/scale/size/rotation, use to_pos, to_scl, to_size, to_rot and to_transform.
  • If you want to set it from an specific position/scale/size/rotation to a new position/scale/size/rotation, use from_to_pos, from_to_scl, from_to_size, from_to_rot and from_to_transform.
  • To change position and size at the same time, use to_pos_size or from_to_pos_size.
  • duration and delay are in miliseconds.
  • Values up to duration are required. delay and ease_type are optionals, but it has to be in that order and ease_type can't be alone: if you want to send ease_type value, you have to send 0 as delay.
  • ease_type could be LinearInOut (default), QuadEaseInOut, QuadEaseIn, QuadEaseOut, CubicEaseInOut, CubicEaseIn, CubicEaseOut, QuarticEaseInOut, QuarticEaseIn, QuarticEaseOut, QuinticEaseInOut, QuinticEaseIn, QuinticEaseOut, SineEaseInOut, SineEaseIn, SineEaseOut, CircularEaseIn, CircularEaseInOut, CircularEaseOut, ExponentialEaseInOut, ExponentialEaseIn, ExponentialEaseOut, ElasticEaseIn, ElasticEaseInOut, ElasticEaseOut, BackEaseIn, BackEaseInOut, BackEaseOut, BounceEaseIn, BounceEaseInOut or BounceEaseOut.
# Only target
/item_tween to_pos       scene_name item_name to_pos_x to_pos_y duration delay ease_type
/item_tween to_scl       scene_name item_name to_scl_x to_scl_y duration delay ease_type
/item_tween to_size      scene_name item_name to_width to_height duration delay ease_type
/item_tween to_pos_size  scene_name item_name to_pos_x to_pos_y to_width to_height duration delay ease_type
/item_tween to_rot       scene_name item_name to_rot duration delay ease_type
/item_tween to_transform scene_name item_name to_pos_x to_pos_y to_scl_x to_scl_y to_rot duration delay ease_type

# Origin and target
/item_tween from_to_pos       scene_name item_name from_pos_x from_pos_y to_pos_x to_pos_y duration delay ease_type
/item_tween from_to_scl       scene_name item_name from_scl_x from_scl_y to_scl_x to_scl_y duration delay ease_type
/item_tween from_to_size      scene_name item_name from_width from_height to_width to_height duration delay ease_type
/item_tween from_to_pos_size  scene_name item_name from_pos_x from_pos_y from_width from_height to_pos_x to_pos_y to_width to_height duration delay ease_type
/item_tween from_to_rot       scene_name item_name from_rotation to_rotation duration delay ease_type
/item_tween from_to_transform scene_name item_name from_pos_x from_pos_y from_scl_x from_scl_y from_rotation to_pos_x to_pos_y to_scl_x to_scl_y to_rot duration delay ease_type


To change a source setting, you don't have to send the scene name, as a source will change in every scene where it is referenced.

# Files
/source_set_image_file     source_name filename(string)
/source_set_video_file     source_name filename(string)

# Text
/source_set_text           source_name text(string)
/source_set_text_size      source_name size(int)

# Image slide
/source_set_slide_time     source_name time_between_slides(int)

# Audio
/source_set_volume         source_name volume(float)

# Filters
/source_set_opacity        source_name opacity(int)
/source_filter_set_enabled source_name filter enabled(bool)
/source_filter_set_value   source_name filter setting(string) value(int)
/source_set_bri_sat_hue    source_name bri(int) sat(int) hue(int)
/source_set_hue            source_name hue(int)
/source_set_lut_file       source_name filter lut_filename(string)

# Not yet docummented

Sources tween:

For the moment, it can change a value of a setting of a filter of a source. For example: opacity.

/source_tween to_value source_name filter_name setting to_value duration delay ease_type
/source_tween from_to_value source_name filter_name setting from_value to_value duration delay ease_type

Examples of sending OSC messages (Client)

Not yet developed or documented. It only sends a message to /init with a 1 when script loads. Also, when a source that name starts with / is activated, it sends a message to /name_of_item with a 1 as message (as OSC Sender for OBS script does).


You can use osc2script.py to send OSC messages to the script. It has a list of preset words to use Tab key to autocomplete. Just write something like:

mario@debian:~$ python3.7 osc2script.py
Envío OSC a script de OBS. ^D para salir. Ej:
/item_set_pos main C920 100 100

> /source_tween value image_source color_correction opacity 1 1000