
My dotfiles, 12 different rices for BSPWM and Polybar. With a Rice selector to change on the fly.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

BSPWM | Polybar themes collection - Rice selector

🌿 Information

My dotfiles, 12 different rices for BSPWM and Polybar. With a Rice selector to change on the fly.


Rice Menu

Rice Menu

DIstro Arch
Bar Polybar
Menu Rofi
Compositor Picom Arian8j2
Terminal Termite
Widgets ElKowars wacky widgets

📖 Features

  • Change RICE on the fly: 12 different Rices now!.

  • Rice Selector: Alt + Space bar to launch it.

  • Random wallpaper: Every time you switch between rices or reload bspwm with super + alt + r a new wallpaper is set depending on the rice you are on.

  • Super + Alt + w changes bethween different wallpapers in the actual rice.

  • Hide / Unhide Bar: (Polybar)

  • Change transparency on the fly: Increase and decrease transparency in focused or selected window.

⚠️ Attention!!

The rices work on my computer because they were made on my machine with my resolution (1600x900). They should also work on your computer, but you'll have to modify a lot of things to make them work for you. Please read the troubleshooting section at the end of this document.

🎨 The rices...

So yes... i called the Rices with the names of some of my ex girlfriends.


  • Color Palette: Tokyo Night
Emilia Rice Emilia Rice
Extra wallpapers in Emilia
Emilia Rice Emilia Rice Emilia Rice Emilia Rice


  • Color Palette: Cyber Punk
Jan Rice Jan Rice
Extra wallpapers in Jan
Jan Rice Jan Rice Jan Rice


  • Color Palette: Catppuccin Frappe
Aline Rice Aline Rice
Extra wallpapers in Aline
Aline Rice Aline Rice


  • Color Palette: Holly molly i dont know..
Andrea Rice Andrea Rice
Extra wallpapers in Andrea
Andrea Rice Andrea Rice Andrea Rice Andrea Rice


Cynthia Rice Cynthia Rice
Extra wallpapers in Cynthia
Cynthia Rice Cynthia Rice


  • Color Palette: One Dark
Isabel Rice Isabel Rice
Extra wallpapers in Isabel
Isabel Rice Isabel Rice


  • Color Palette: GruvBox
Silvia Rice Silvia Rice
Extra wallpapers in Silvia
Silvia Rice Silvia Rice Silvia Rice Silvia Rice


  • Color Palette: Nord
Melissa Rice Melissa Rice
Extra wallpapers in Melissa
Melissa Rice Melissa Rice Melissa Rice


Pamela Rice Pamela Rice
Extra wallpapers in Pamela
Pamela Rice Pamela Rice Pamela Rice Pamela Rice


Cristina Rice Cristina Rice
Extra wallpapers in Cristina
Cristina Rice Cristina Rice Cristina Rice Cristina Rice


  • Color palette - No author
Karla Rice Karla Rice
Extra wallpapers in Karla
Karla Rice Karla Rice Karla Rice Karla Rice


  • Color Palette: Decay
  • With Tray icon!!
z0mbi3 Rice z0mbi3 Rice
Extra wallpapers in z0mbi3
z0mbi3 Rice z0mbi3 Rice z0mbi3 Rice z0mbi3 Rice z0mbi3 Rice

Very useful keybindigs to know...

Action Keybinding
Rice Selector alt + @space
Menu super + @space
Hide / Unhide Bar super + h / super + u
Screenshot super + Print
Transparency ctrl + alt {plus,minus,t}
poweroff / Reboot ctrl + super + alt + {p,r}
Terminal super + Return
Brute Kill ctrl + super + alt + k
Wallpaper Changer super + alt + w
Restart bspwm super + alt + r

And more.. You need to look sxhkdrc file for more.

📦 setup

💾 Installation:

I will only provide instructions for arch based distributions.

1. First of all we need yay and git

pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git && cd yay && makepkg -si

2. Install Dependencies:

A one time command to install most of these dependencies with your favorite AUR Helper (we just install yay).

yay -S bspwm polybar sxhkd eww dunst rofi lsd jq checkupdates-aur \
playerctl mpd ncmpcpp mpc picom-arian8j2-git xtitle termite betterlockscreen \
ttf-jetbrains-mono nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono nerd-fonts-terminus ttf-inconsolata \
ttf-joypixels nerd-fonts-cozette-ttf scientifica-font \
feh pamixer libwebp webp-pixbuf-loader xorg-xkill papirus-icon-theme

3. Cloning Dotfiles & Installing:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/gh0stzk/dotfiles.git

# ⚠️ Backuupp!! your filess!!!
[ -e ~/.config/bspwm ] && mv ~/.config/bspwm ~/.config/bspwm-backup-"$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)"
[ -e ~/.config/termite ] && mv ~/.config/termite ~/.config/termite-backup-"$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)"

# Moving new files to .config
cd dotfiles
cp -r config/bspwm ~/.config/bspwm
cp -r config/termite ~/.config/termite
# Those were the important ones. You still need to move the remaining directories in config to your ~/.config directory.

# Move Fonts and the other stuff
cp -r misc/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts/
cp -r misc/bin ~/.local/
cp -r misc/applications ~/.local/share/
cp -r misc/asciiart ~/.local/share/
fc-cache -rv

# You probably MUST use your own .zsh config, but if you want to use mine, do;
cp -r home/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
cp -r config/zsh ~/.config/zsh

# If you will not use my zsh config, just add to your .zshrc file, this;
if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ;
  then PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

4. Enabling Services

# For automatically launching mpd on login
systemctl --user enable mpd.service
systemctl --user start mpd.service

Some tips

  • Wallpapers are in .webp image format, i added libwebp webp-pixbuf-loader packages for your filemanager (thunar in my case) have the capacity to show webp thumbnails.
  • If u dont wanna use the random wallpapers comment line 194 and uncomment line 195 from /home/YourUser/.config/bspwm/scripts/LaunchWorld file.
  • Left click in pacman updates module in polybar to update. Right click for show updates available only.


  • Bspwm Scripts or Launchers not responding

The proper execute permissions on some files should be maintained when you download/clone and copy to your directories, but if not just run the following line by line.

chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
chown $USER ~/.config/bspwm/rice.cfg
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/scripts/{external_rules,getSongDuration,music,RandomWall,hu-polybar,LaunchWorld,RiceSelector,screenshoter,updates.sh,WeatherMini}

# In Cristina, Pamela, Andrea & z0mbi3 Rices, you need to give execution permissions to the shell scripts too.

chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/pamela/widgets/{calendar,calendarlauncher,mplayer-launcher,power-launcher,profile-sys-launcher}
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/andrea/arin/sidedar/toggle_sidebar
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/andrea/arin/scripts/{battery,check-network,music_info,quotes,sys_info,system,volume.sh,widget_apps,widget_search}
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/cristina/widgets/mplayer-launcher
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/z0mbi3/bar/scripts/{battery,calendar,popup,volume.sh,wifi,workspace}
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/z0mbi3/dashboard/LaunchInfoCenter.sh
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/rices/z0mbi3/dashboard/scripts/weather
  • Weather module is showing wrong values

Yes the values are in my city "Mexico City" you need to edit ~/.config/bspwm/scripts/WeatherMini to set your city In line 3 you will find this line weather=$(curl -s wttr.in/Mexico?format=3) You need to write your city, or postal code, please refer to the wttr.in Help

For the eww widget in z0mbi3 rice you need to edit ~/.config/bspwm/rices/z0mbi3/dashboard/scripts/weather in line 13 you need to change the ID for the ID of your city, you can get it from openweathermap


All workflows where i stole things to inspire me or for editing, its impossile to remember all but here someones:

  • turquoise-hexagon for his beautiful Banana font.
  • This post by TheMonkeyLlama i saw it in UnixPorn. Who inspired Aline's Rice.
  • adi1090x The master, for his setup in Andrea's Rice and for his beautiful Rofi menus.
  • u/DominiCzech For the amazing color palette in Cynthia's Rice. I loose link but im pretty sure he is the owner.
  • In Pamela's rice to elenapan For his beautiful color palette. For the eww widgets to the master rxyhn and okklol.
  • In z0mbi3 rice, to Anchovyyy for the mazing panel bar. Eww doesn't have a way of using a system tray but this little polybar hack make the trick. Thanks to ikz87.