
Lightweight chaos engineering deployment

Primary LanguagePython


ChaosMonkey runs as a pod in your Kubernetes cluster, and deletes a random pod in namespace targetNamespace every interval seconds.

How to run ChaosMonkey on your machine

minikube start # if you don't have your own cluster prepared, you can use minikube

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarioUhrik/ChaosMonkey/main/manifests/chaosMonkey.yaml # deploy ChaosMonkey
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarioUhrik/ChaosMonkey/main/manifests/dummyTargetNamespace.yaml # dummy namespace/pods in namespace `chaos`

kubectl -n chaos-monkey get pod # ensure that the ChaosMonkey deployment is ready
kubectl -n chaos get pod # ensure that the dummy pods are ready
kubectl -n chaos-monkey logs -l app=chaos-monkey -f # watch the logs of the ChaosMonkey pod
kubectl -n chaos get pod -w # watch the pods of the `chaos` namespace as they die

kubectl delete -f manifests/dummyTargetNamespace.yaml
kubectl delete -f manifests/chaosMonkey.yaml
minikube delete # if you've used `minikube start` up above

In order to run ChaosMonkey for non-testing purposes, you can edit the environment variables in manifests/chaosMonkey.yaml to your satisfaction, and then deploy it without the dummyTargetNamespace.yaml.

Testing ChaosMonkey

ChaosMonkey has an E2E testing framework using GitHub Actions. See .github/workflows/e2e.yaml.